Working on a book called Elixir for Everyone

Hey everyone!

I’ve been working on a book about Elixir, and I’m using AsciiDoc to write it all up. It’s still a work in progress, but I thought I’d share a preview here to get some feedback from the community before I go too far down the rabbit hole. These are basically just my notes on elixir which are converted into a book. Very early in development expect errors.

Proposed Chapters:

Table of Contents
1: Preface
2: Chapter 1: Why Elixir?
3: Chapter 2: Introduction to Elixir
3: Installation of Elixir
3: Interactive Shell
4: Hello World Program
5: Chapter 3: Laying the Groundwork
5: Basic Data Types
7: References
8: About the Author


Step 1: Install Dependencies

Ensure that the following tools are installed on your system:

RubyGems (gem)

You can check if they are installed by running:

gem --version
bundler --version
make --version

If any of these tools are not installed, you can install them using the following commands:
For RubyGems and Bundler:

Install Ruby (if not already installed):

On macOS:

brew install ruby

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install ruby-full


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For building the book locally. I am using ascii docs

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~it would be more interesting to look at if i didnt have to install all that ruby tooling. Tell me when there is a released pdf~ ← there is no cross over effect??

there is a pdf here Release 0.1-alpha · Elixir-For-Everyone/Elixir-For-Everyone · GitHub


You could have made much less involved process for producing the book. Even just making a Dockerfile and showing a command to run would be much better.

I am not reinstalling the Ruby tooling to try a book.



Agreed on requiring a whole toolchain to read a book. I would just add a prominent “Read it here” at the top of the README linking to the releases page.

Hi Aditya, firstly, I love the name!!

I also like to encourage people to create learning resources if they think they can help others - sometimes we may have a particular way of teaching or explaining things that gel with certain people, so what you come up with could be very valuable for some people or even certain types of people. Who knows you may even get noticed by a publisher who might want to work with you. So go for it if it’s something you feel passionate about :023:

I agree with some of the comments about the steps required to view the book though, particularly since you posted this in our book section which is where we list mostly completed books. I did build a copy of the book and noticed there is only 4 pages complete yet so I have moved this thread to the Resources Chat section for now. Once you’re nearing completion let us know and we can always create a new thread. I also added a bit more info to your post, hope that’s ok and good luck!