Working on lib_elixir - Elixir core modules as a library

Note: There are a few folks I’d really love to hear from, time permitting. Pinging in case the title isn’t catchy enough :slight_smile: @dorgan @scohen @scottming @mhanberg @lukaszsamson @zachdaniel

Proof-of-concept on GitHub: GitHub - zachallaun/lib_elixir


There has been an ongoing effort in Elixir to add or improve APIs to make code analysis easier. Primarily, this has been done to support developer tools, namely language servers, allowing them to use the same mechanisms that Elixir itself uses to analyze code.

The first major fruits of this effort shipped in Elixir 1.17 in the shape of new APIs in Macro.Env, but useful improvements have been added to Code and Macro continuously, and there are a number of open issues under discussion that could lead to further improvements.

The problem, then, becomes accessing these new improvements while still supporting older versions of Elixir. Existing libraries handle this in different ways:

  • Sourceror vendors in parts of Code (and related Erlang source) related to formatting in order to support formatting in versions prior to Elixir 1.13.
  • Lexical vendors in Code and parts of Macro (and related Erlang source) in order to parse and analyze source code in an environment that doesn’t interfere with user project dependencies.
  • Next LS bundles the latest version of Elixir and uses that to compile and analyze user code.

These methods have significant trade-offs. Vendoring in code is a time-consuming, manual, and potentially buggy process, as modules have to be copied in and namespaced so that they don’t conflict with the runtime. Bundling Elixir requires user code to be compiled in a different environment than that code will be run in production, which can cause spurious warnings or other subtle differences.

Ultimately, the problem is that Elixir is a shared dependency that library authors do not control.

Elixir as a library

I’ve been experimenting with a new library that allows for the Elixir standard library to be included as a dependency in a way that does not conflict with the runtime version of Elixir.

The idea is to allow library authors to replace their usage of standard library modules with namespaced ones. For the following examples, I’ll use Spitfire, which uses features of Macro.Env that were introduced in Elixir 1.17 (see here). Here’s an example of how Spitfire might use this:

  defmodule Spitfire.Env do
    @moduledoc """
    Environment querying
+   alias Spitfire.LibElixir.Macro, as: Macro
    @env %{
-     Macro.Env.prune_compile_info(__ENV__)
+     Macro.Env
+     |> struct(Map.from_struct(__ENV__))
+     |> Macro.Env.prune_compile_info()
      | line: 0,
        file: "nofile",
        module: nil,
        function: nil,
        context_modules: []
    defp env, do: @env



This would allow Spitfire to support versions of Elixir earlier than 1.17. (More on that below when I discuss challenges, but I think 1.15+.)


So, how do we compile a specific version of the Elixir standard library and then use it as in Spitfire.LibElixir.Macro.Env?

The strategy is the same one used by Lexical to ensure that its dependencies don’t conflict with user dependencies at runtime. We call it namespacing. (Hat tip @scohen, who came up with this for Lexical.)

Here’s the gist of it:

  • Compile your Elixir and Erlang modules to bytecode: .app and .beam files.
  • Read them in as Abstract Forms using :beam_lib.chunks(path, [:abstract_code]).
  • Walk the abstract code, rewriting module names to their namespaced counterparts:
    • Code -> Spitfire.LibElixir.Code
    • :elixir_tokenizer -> :spitfire_lib_elixir_tokenizer
  • Recompile the modified abstract forms using :compile.forms(...), writing the resulting binary out to a new .beam:
    • Elixir.Code.beam -> Elixir.Spitfire.LibElixir.Code.beam
    • elixir_tokenizer.beam -> spitfire_lib_elixir_tokenizer.beam
  • Do something similar with the .app:
    • ->

There’s a bit more to it, but this isn’t a hypothetical:

~/dev/forks/spitfire main*
> iex -S mix run --no-compile
Erlang/OTP 25 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:32:32] [ds:32:32:10] [async-threads:1] [jit:ns]

Interactive Elixir (1.15.8) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)

iex(1)> alias Foo.Bar.Baz, as: Qux

iex(2)> env = struct(Spitfire.LibElixir.Macro.Env, Map.from_struct(__ENV__))
  aliases: [],

iex(3)> Spitfire.LibElixir.Macro.Env.expand_alias(env, [], [:Qux])
{:alias, Foo.Bar.Baz}

Challenges and open questions

At the moment, this is just a proof-of-concept and there’s a lot left to figure out.

When and how to compile?

The current proof-of-concept library is using a Mix compiler that downloads an Elixir archive from GitHub, compiles only the stdlib (make erlang app stdlib), namespaces the resulting *.beam files and app, and then sticks them in _build/dev/lib/lib_elixir/ebin.

defmodule Spitfire.MixProject do
  def project do
      lib_elixir: [{Spitfire.LibElixir, "v1.17.2"}]

  defp deps do
      {:lib_elixir, path: "..."}

This almost works, but not quite. Something’s causing protocol consolidation to fail:

14:17:49.007 [error] Task #PID<0.1890.0> started from #PID<0.94.0> terminating
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Spitfire.LibElixir.List.Chars.Spitfire.LibElixir.Atom."-inlined-__impl__/1-"/1
    (elixir 1.15.8) lib/protocol.ex:679: Protocol.each_struct_clause_for/3
    (elixir 1.15.8) lib/enum.ex:1693: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-1-"/2
    (elixir 1.15.8) lib/protocol.ex:657: Protocol.change_struct_impl_for/4
    (elixir 1.15.8) lib/protocol.ex:619: Protocol.change_debug_info/3
    (elixir 1.15.8) lib/protocol.ex:570: Protocol.consolidate/2
    (mix 1.15.8) lib/mix/tasks/compile.protocols.ex:140: Mix.Tasks.Compile.Protocols.consolidate/4
    (elixir 1.15.8) lib/task/supervised.ex:101: Task.Supervised.invoke_mfa/2
Function: #Function<9.26660727/0 in Mix.Tasks.Compile.Protocols.consolidate/6>
    Args: []

I’m not yet sure why this happens. If you compile with mix compile --no-protocol-consolidation and then hop in iex with iex -S mix run --no-compile, it succeeds for Spitfire.LibElixir.List.Chars.Spitfire.LibElixir.Atom.__impl__(:for), but not for :target.

Anyways, I’m not sure whether this is necessarily the right direction and am open to suggestions.

How much to compile/include?

Right now, all of Elixir’s stdlib is being namespaced and included. An alternative might be to whitelist certain modules, like Code, Macro, Module, etc. that are likely useful to library authors.

This might solve the protocol consolidation issue above, but it could also lead to subtle or difficult-to-find bugs when a namespaced module calls into a non-namespaced module expecting certain behavior.

Version compatibility

The exact format of the data in *.beam files may change from version to version, but this strategy relies on files compiled on one version being loadable on another. I already found some incompatibility related to binaries that changed in 1.15, meaning that LibElixir 1.17.2 won’t run on any Elixir earlier than 1.15. This creates “windows of compatibility” that would need to be kept track of.

Is this even a good idea?

This is the final question. Is this generally useful and worth the effort? Are there gotchas I’m missing?

Any feedback greatly appreciated.


Very cool exploration @zachallaun!

Just some ideas (feel free to fully ignore them):

  1. You can probably skip protocols and their implementations from lib_elixir. All of our protocols and their implementations are public, so it is very unlikely they will change between versions in an incompatible way.

  2. Perhaps instead of allowing some modules to be removed, you could ask developers to list which modules they want to use, then you traverse their abstract code and find what they depend on, and convert these too, recursively. This means that Spitfire, which only really needs the tokenizer, gets the minimum stuff they need. You may have some corner cases, for example if we use some module conditionally, but then you can manually add those (and they should be few), such as the string_tokenizer used by the tokenizer.


Thank you so much for your thoughts, José! It gives me a lot more confidence knowing you’ve looked the idea over and that no hard blockers immediately came to mind. :slight_smile:

I think skipping protocols makes sense. (It also lets me strip out some code that’s transforming debug_info.)

I like the idea of the user specifying which modules to use and walking the abstract code to find dependencies. I’ll likely work on that next.

I do have one more question that you’d probably have some insight on, José: What’s the right way to handle configuration?

Let’s say you have user project proj, which depends on lib_a and lib_b, both of which depend on lib_elixir configured for different versions and modules.

Right now, lib_elixir specifies a Mix compiler (Mix.compilers() ++ [:lib_elixir]) so that it runs after it compiles its own code, but before anything depending on it compiles, and then it uses the private Mix.ProjectStack to get configuration info. This probably isn’t a good idea.

Instead, it could require that code depending on lib_elixir specify the compiler before Mix.compilers() so that it runs in the context of that project (and therefore doesn’t have to use the project stack):

def project do
    app: :lib_a,
    compilers: [:lib_elixir] ++ Mix.compilers(),
    lib_elixir: [{LibA.LibElixir, "v1.17.2", [Code]],

Any thoughts?

Can you expand a bit more on what you mean by configuration? Which configuration are you acessing and why you need Mix.ProjectStack?

Configuration in this case is just the Elixir module name that serves as a namespace, like MyLib.LibElixir, and the target modules you’d like to use, like [Code, Macro, Macro.Env].

You could have that on your mix.exs and read it with Mix.Project.config (or get). Would that work?

Yep, that seems to work just fine.

As a quick update, here’s what it currently takes to get Spitfire using lib_elixir with all tests passing while running on Elixir 1.15 (cc @mhanberg):

diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
index fc7eabf..90f27ab 100644
--- a/mix.exs
+++ b/mix.exs
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ defmodule Spitfire.MixProject do
       start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
       deps: deps(),
       docs: [main: "Spitfire"],
-      package: package()
+      package: package(),
+      compilers: [:lib_elixir] ++ Mix.compilers(),
+      lib_elixir: {Spitfire.LibElixir, "v1.17.2", [Code, Macro, Macro.Env, :elixir_tokenizer]}
@@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ defmodule Spitfire.MixProject do
   # Run "mix help deps" to learn about dependencies.
   defp deps do
+      {:lib_elixir, path: "../lib_elixir", runtime: false},
       {:ex_doc, ">= 0.0.0", only: :dev},
       {:styler, "~> 0.11", only: :dev}
       # {:dep_from_hexpm, "~> 0.3.0"},

diff --git a/lib/spitfire.ex b/lib/spitfire.ex
index 8e92c35..9174bc5 100644
--- a/lib/spitfire.ex
+++ b/lib/spitfire.ex
@@ -1989,7 +1989,7 @@ defmodule Spitfire do
     tokens =
       case code
            |> String.to_charlist()
-           |> :spitfire_tokenizer.tokenize(opts[:line] || 1, opts[:column] || 1, opts) do
+           |> :spitfire_lib_elixir_tokenizer.tokenize(opts[:line] || 1, opts[:column] || 1, opts) do
         {:ok, _, _, _, tokens} ->

diff --git a/lib/spitfire/env.ex b/lib/spitfire/env.ex
index 50ee68d..bd76dcc 100644
--- a/lib/spitfire/env.ex
+++ b/lib/spitfire/env.ex
@@ -2,8 +2,14 @@ defmodule Spitfire.Env do
   @moduledoc """
   Environment querying
+  alias Spitfire.LibElixir.Code
+  alias Spitfire.LibElixir.Macro
   @env %{
-    Macro.Env.prune_compile_info(__ENV__)
+    (Macro.Env
+     |> struct(Map.from_struct(__ENV__))
+     |> Macro.Env.prune_compile_info())
     | line: 0,
       file: "nofile",
       module: nil,

diff --git a/test/spitfire_test.exs b/test/spitfire_test.exs
index 7f0c6b2..30475ff 100644
--- a/test/spitfire_test.exs
+++ b/test/spitfire_test.exs
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 defmodule SpitfireTest do
   use ExUnit.Case

+  alias Spitfire.LibElixir.Code
   doctest Spitfire

   describe "valid code" do

So, one thing to note here is that Igniter currently depends on spitfire, using it to provide context aware source-code patches. This also means that packages that expose Igniter installers or composable functions also depend on spitfire (i.e Ash). There are various reasons we couldn’t make this a dev-only dependency, primarily around DX/UX (DX being folks writing igniter-installers/tasks and UX being end users running them).

Ultimately this means that in order for anyone to compile their Ash application they’d have to be able to download an archive, and deal w/ the associated costs of having the new dependency, which naturally is going to be problematic for our use case. We’d have to stop using spitfire if it went that route.

It may be the case that Igniter needs its own thing like Spitfire. Or perhaps lib_elixir's work can be disabled in some way forcing dependencies to rely on the current elixir version instead. But then we’d be back to defensively writing code.

I don’t really have an answer here unfortunately. It does seem like igniter would be the “odd man out” so-to-speak here. Unlike language servers, its depended on by applications directly and interacted with mix tasks.

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Why does Igniter need spitfire instead of the Elixir parser? Do you need error tolerance?

Also lib_elixir could extract the relevant files with an explicit step, and then check them into version control?

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Error tolerance was the idea, yes. It may not be strictly necessary though.

Checking the files necessary into the repo would work I think. It would need to also add in its custom compiler I think?

I am not sure if error tolerance here is beneficial. It means that, once Igniter updates the file, you will have fixed the mistake, but you may have fixed it in a way that’s completely wrong?

I’m not sure what you mean by “fixed the mistake” WRT Igniter, but I think I was just wrong when explaining our main use case with Spitfire. Sorry about that :slight_smile: Error tolerance is why we use Spitfire.container_cursor_to_quoted/1 as opposed to Code.Fragment, but what we actually use Spitfire for is primarily Spitfire.Env.expand.

The way we are using it currently (and we aim to expand this usage) is, for example, when patching in a module name, we want it to respect existing module aliases.

For example, when installing AshPostgres, we make sure that your Repo module exists, is configured correctly, etc., and then we make sure that it is a child of your application (and that you have an application file, we create it if it doesn’t exist).

This patching logic is naive at the moment, but it will get more robust over time. I’ve also removed a bunch of stuff token this example simple

# in `Igniter.Project.Application`
  def do_add_child(igniter, application, to_supervise) do
    path = Igniter.Code.Module.proper_location(application)

    Igniter.update_elixir_file(igniter, path, fn zipper ->
      with {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Module.move_to_module_using(zipper, Application),
           {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_def(zipper, :start, 2),
           {:ok, zipper} <-
               fn call ->
                   {:children, _, context} when is_atom(context)
                 ) &&
                   Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_pattern?(call, 1, v when is_list(v))
             ) do
        |> Zipper.down()
        |> Zipper.rightmost()
        |> Igniter.Code.List.append_new_to_list(Macro.escape(to_supervise), diff_checker)
        _ ->
          {:warning, "...."}

So when using append_new_to_list, that ultimately ends up using code that expands the environment at the place you are bringing in code, and uses that to

  1. honor aliases when checking for matches in the list
  2. use aliases when inserting a module into the AST

Error tolerance can be useful for us because it is theoretically possible to introduce invalid AST “temporarily” while working with igniter. You compose a bunch of AST modifiers, and I didn’t want to necessarily guarantee that, after every single modification you make, the AST is valid. Only when actually writing the file must it be valid.

If its not valid, though, you won’t get the nice features of being able to determine env at a location.

This is the entirety of our Spitfire usage currently.

  @doc """
  Expands the environment at the current zipper position and returns the
  expanded environment. Currently used for properly working with aliases.
  def current_env(zipper) do
    |> do_add_code({:__cursor__, [], []}, :after, false)
    |> Zipper.topmost_root()
    |> Sourceror.to_string()
    |> String.split("__cursor__()", parts: 2)
    |> List.first()
    |> Spitfire.container_cursor_to_quoted()
    |> then(fn {:ok, ast} ->
    |> Spitfire.Env.expand("file.ex")
    |> then(fn {_ast, _final_state, _final_env, cursor_env} ->
      {:ok, struct(Macro.Env, cursor_env)}
    e ->
      {:error, e}

Definitely understand, but:

This means that Igniter requires Elixir 1.17+, which seems like a significant drawback as well. No such thing as a free lunch, and all that. :slight_smile:

As José suggested, there are certainly things lib_elixir could do to reduce/eliminate the need for downloading Elixir (though it does only happen once and then is cached). For instance, instead of specifying a ref, libraries could specify a path, and then stick a tarball/zip in priv.

Ultimately, the two main goals of lib_elixir are to:

  1. Make it possible to use the latest Elixir stdlib APIs while maintaining wider version compatibility, and
  2. Make it much easier for tools to stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest Elixir features without time consuming manual work (vendoring in stuff yourself and making sure you change everything important and in a way that will work for the version range you want to support).

Finally, Spitfire was just the library that came to mind and was a good proof-of-concept usage, but if it’s goals differ from the two above, then there’s no reason for it to use lib_elixir!

We don’t require 1.17+, we just fail to perform smarter alias handling logic unless you’re using 1.17+.

I think requiring a download to compile is a non-option for Ash/igniter, although it could be totally fine for other use cases. I think the idea of downloading the files once and saving them with the library is the best case all around IMO and should be the only/default method. This reduces any potential variability between downloads, prevents network issues from coming into play while end users are compiling tools, etc.

Also, I should have led with this: I think this is awesome :slight_smile: I think that for exactly the reasons we’re just talking about here w/ Igniter not being able to be as smart unless the end-user is on 1.17+, this will provide a very valuable improvement to Igniter users, and ought to have similar impacts for other projects as well. I’m very excited about this idea :slight_smile:

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So, for this to be “ready to use,” I think lib_elixir should also be using the Bob-compiled Elixirs, which means no additional compilation should be happening (compiling with make, that is). We need the end-user’s version of OTP to know which precompiled Elixir to download, but on the correct version of OTP, the .beam files should be portable across operating systems (right?).

It would even be possible for library authors using lib_elixir to pre-namespace for every version of OTP they wish to support and then save that result in priv. Then the only thing that needs to happen on end-user machines is moving some .beam files around. This seems like the optimal path, I think.

@zachallaun have you considered generating the namespaced code and publishing that code to hex instead of having the consumer of the library inject it?

I think what I expected is to see a library with something like LibElixir_1_17, LibElixir_1_18 modules.

(Rationale for the namespaced modules here rather than just releasing the package with the version of Elixir its packaging is so that two libraries could use different versions without problems.)

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Zach is using the environment expanding features of spitfire which use the new Macro.Env functions, not the parser itself.

I’m not actually sure how that would work. The technique here is to modify the .beam files generated when you compile Elixir, and then stick those in the code path. That compilation needs to have been done with the runtime Erlang/OTP version, so you have to delay picking the correct version until compile-time.

I think the way to publish code to hex would be to parse and namespace the original .ex and .erl files and then publish that. In our experience, that’s a much trickier process with many more edge cases than parsing the BEAM abstract code that is read in from compiled .beam files. But I’m very open to a different/better solution if there’s something I’m missing.

I haven’t been able to work on this in the last week, but I think the current solution could be optimized so that the only thing that happens at compile-time is namespacing. Libraries using lib_elixir could bundle compiled Elixirs from Bob in their priv to be distributed with the library (so nothing needs to be downloaded) and nothing would need to be compiled using system tools like make because the Bob artifacts contain the precompiled .beam files.

Oh right, it slipped my mind that it was modifying at that level.

Had another thought

In your gist above, would it be possible to write the modified modified abstract forms to disk as source files in lib_elixir and then include a Mix.Task.Compiler for the consuming code to add to their project? The compiler would be the part that calls :compiler.forms and handles writing the .beam files.

If this is possible, it sounds like you could keep the modified source files in the library, and the consuming application would be able to compile it locally like a normal erlang or elixir file (and therefore not have to worry about min OTP version to compile with ahead of time)

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