I’m having some trouble with EctoMigrationDefault
– probably because I’m a novice with Elixir custom types and protocols, and I’m clearly getting something a bit wrong here.
10:09:57.706 [warning] You have specified a default value for a type that cannot be explicitly
converted to an Ecto default:
`[:value_add, :non_value_add]`
The default value in the migration will be set to `nil` and you can edit
your migration accordingly.
To prevent this warning, implement the `EctoMigrationDefault` protocol
for the appropriate Elixir type in your Ash project, or configure its
default value in `migration_defaults` in the postgres section. Use `\"nil\"`
for no default.
This is coming from:
# activity_stereotype.ex
attributes do
attribute :allowed_types, {:array, COE.Types.ActivityTypes} do
allow_nil? false
default COE.Types.ActivityTypes.values
Trying to resolve this using EctoMigrationDefault
I ended up here:
defmodule COE.Types.ActivityTypes do
@moduledoc ~S"""
Provides the allowed types for an `COE.Walk.ActivityStereotype`. Types are typically defined as either value add or non-value add.
use Ash.Type.Enum, values: [:value_add, :non_value_add] # ~w(value_add non_value_add)a
@type t :: [:atom]
def to_string, do: inspect(Enum.map(values(), &(to_string(&1))))
defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: COE.Types.ActivityTypes do
def to_default(t), do: to_string(t)
Like I said, a novice with custom types (and protocols). With the above in place, I still get the warning about “a type that cannot be explicitly converted to an Ecto default.”
Footnote: I prefer the EctoMigrationDefault
approach, but I did note that I can shut up the warning by adding migration_defaults [allowed_types: COE.Types.ActivityTypes.to_string]
to the postgres
block. But I don’t like how that creates an extra dependency on having a postgres