ElixirConf US 2018 – Breaking Down the User Monolith – Zach Porter
Coming from Ruby on Rails, the convention is to have a User model handle multiple aspects of an account such as login, logout, password reset, and email confirmation. While there is a temptation to bring that convention with us when building an Elixir application, we can do better by leveraging bounded contexts, Ecto’s embedded schemas, and Ecto.Multi to break these separate pieces of functionality into isolated chunks that are easier to maintain and extend.
Hi guys! First of all, thank you so much for this ElixirConf 2018, was really awesome!
I was watching the ElixirConf 2018, specifically a video “ElixirConf 2018 – Breaking Down the User Monolith – Zach Porter”, in which he explains how to breaking down the User monolith. But I had a couple of doubts with it, and it seems to they disable the comments section in Youtube.
So, for that reason I’ll ask, if somebody have a github repo of this talk.
I was trying to replicate the exposed approach, but I got some errors.
The trouble that I have is with the embedded_schema. Because I was watching the video and it’s seems to be incomplete, he don’t explain how to declare the structure for the user schema, using something like embedded_one and also he don’t show how can we create the migrations for that embedded field.
I found a tutorial to do that thing, but I’m not pretty sure if it’s the best practices.
So, for that reason I’ll ask, if somebody have a github repo of this talk.
Not yet, but I am planning on finishing one that I started to accompany this talk. I can post here when it’s ready.
The trouble that I have is with the embedded_schema. Because I was watching the video and it’s seems to be incomplete, he don’t explain how to declare the structure for the user schema, using something like embedded_one and also he don’t show how can we create the migrations for that embedded field.
The example I gave using embedded_schemas was around Registrations. I apologize if it wasn’t clear, but I’m not actually persisting that embedded schema to the database. I’m using it to provide structure to a form or a set of user inputs and to manage changes and validations for those inputs. I’m then relying on the existing User schema as well as the Credential schema to persist to the relevant tables in the database. I hope that helps to clear the example up some! The embeds_one and embeds_many functions are very useful for storing in a JSON column in the database, and I’ve certainly done that before, but not in this case.
If you have any further questions, please let me know.