ElixirConf US 2018 – UX Design Practices for Real Time Apps – Bailey Miller & Tim Mecklem
Elixir and Phoenix have unlocked a new world of responsiveness in our applications. Gone are the days of mashing the refresh button to see updates to data that frequently changes. You can send near real-time updates to every user on your site about every change that happens, but should you?
We’ll share some of the design questions we’ve learned to consider when deciding how and when to notify users of changes. When the session ends, you’ll have some design tools from real-world examples to ensure your users aren’t drinking from a firehose of updates or making decisions from stale data.
Audience: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Topics: phoenix
All talks are available in the ElixirConf US 2018 Talks List or via the elixirconf2018 tag