Are there any premium videos for learning Phoenix?


I have been doing web applications in PHP with Laravel framework for last four years.
It’s time to try something new so I decided to use Phoenix, could you please recommend me a good video series or tutorial which uses best practices and works on real project (example: blog, chat or something similar)?

Is there a similar website to where I can watch premium tutorials for a monthly fee?


I think is a good tutorial.

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Thanks for the reply. I am kinda visual learner so I prefer working on “real” projects much more than scrolling trough docs :slight_smile: Its just preference…

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Some basic tutorials:

I’ve taken all of them and they are all worthwhile but if I had to choose one, it would be the Pragmatic Studio course.

I also got a lot out of this book:

This series was pretty good too:

I haven’t tried ElixirCasts yet…


I hear the tensor videos are good:

There are other good youtube channels too, search around for elixir tutorials on there. :slight_smile:


Even if not Elixir based, I found the Kent university Erlang master class to be very helpful understanding the actor model.


Thank you all for your suggestions I will chek them out :slight_smile:

You can look these 3 links


That’s bypassing the local fanfare for the course. :slight_smile:


Does Josh cover Phoenix over at the DailyDrip?

@dokicro, have you learnt Elixir yet? If not check out the awesome Elixir Books and Courses (check out user reviews in the threads for recommendations :023:)


i fixed link :+1:

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Hi @dokicro, I started a Twitch channel about programming practices and right now I am working on a Elixir/Phoenix application :rocket:

I will be live today :slightly_smiling_face:


Going to recommend Stephen Grider’s course on Udemy. Its ~18 hours of elixir + phoenix. It’s mostly phoenix 1.2 while covering 1.3 at the end.

I use and it was very helpful, soon the author says he is updating the videos for the new elixir and phoenix versions :smiley:

I use both of those as well and they are great, especially supplemented with reading materials. I’m glad to hear that the author is updating these, especially for Phoenix 1.3.

I’ve used before. You can learn some quick tips and good concepts from his videos. However, I haven’t gone through his new course Moving to Elixir which costs $30. I really like his work though so I think I am going to try it out.

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Even if it’s never updated, it teaches you the foundations so you can learn the rest by reading the official documentation.

I’ve heard good things about ElixirCasts, sadly the video courses all cost money and I as a self-study student can’t afford to buy them all.

Interesting. I’d considered Twitch initially before finally choosing YouTube. How do you like it as a streamer?

It looks as though the interest in Elixir at DailyDrips has dried up with the last videos released being October/November 2017. As a learning exercise I started at the beginning of the Phoenix tutorials and they’re grossly out of date being based on 1.3-rcX when the project structure was up in the air. If I didn’t know anything about Elixir or Phoenix it would have been impossible to make the examples work.

My advice to anyone curious would be to avoid it until they either get back to Elixir, or update the old videos.

Are there any specific topics you’d like to see covered in a screencast?

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I personally benefit from project-based series’ over standalone, abstract lessons when I’m starting off.

In saying that, a couple of areas I want to give some time to for toy projects are: webhook emitters in Phoenix using PubSub; understanding how to feed Presence with more than just Plug connections; and leex & yecc after stumbling across Mix.compilers/0 :slight_smile: