The Complete Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp (Udemy/self-published)

Please note: This course contains the use of inaccurate terminologies and may lead to confusion - see comments in the thread below for details.

I have not taken this particular course yet, but I have taken 3 other courses by this same teacher, and I guarantee it will be a great place to start as a beginner. Having just spent a couple of years teaching myself python, javascript, and elixir, I think elixir is fine for beginners, so long as you take a few days to understand the differences between functional and object oriented programming. Good luck!

A note for our friendly moderators: I searched the forum before posting this link, and I donā€™t think anyone has published it yet. Maybe someone would like to stick it in one of the main resources/learning threads? Thanks.


Nice find @reddhouse (Iā€™ve split your post into a new thread). I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen this before, how long has it been out?

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It says 10/2016. This guy did a knock out job teaching me React. He is very thorough.


Iā€™m really tempted to get itā€¦ itā€™s just that I got about 10 other books/courses to go through yet :lol:

Edit: couldnā€™t help myself :043:


good for beginners or like getting started with elixir & phoenix.


Udemy has site wide promotions right now. Nowā€™s a great time to get this course.


I initially got into Elixir because of this course. I also took 3 courses prior and because I loved the courses before, Iā€™ve made a quick Google search to get to know what Elixir actually is and signed up.

Currently I am half way through the course. Before this course, Python was my favourite programming language for a long time. Now Elixir is! This is such an awesome language! I had so many wow effects and so much is included like creating docs, testing and creating markdown examples which also will be tested automatically. I took me a little while to understand everything but now Iā€™m understanding more and more.

After this course is done, I will probably buy ā€œProgramming Elixirā€ by Dave Thomas. Anyways, I love Elixir :D.


I had some time this month so I decided to check this out.

In the end I went through all the videos (14.5 hours). I particularly got alot out of the material devoted to Phoenix, which is about half the course. The Phoenix-related stuff is devoted to walking through the steps/mechanisms in building a simple CRUD app with OAuth (using Ueberauth). The explanations around Ecto/modeling and transforming requests via plugs were also pretty good. All in all, I was impressed.


I just got it for $10 (rather than then nominal price of $50). Itā€™s hard to believe I wonā€™t get far more than $10 of value out of it if it is just going over the same old stuff but told from a slightly different viewpoint (fyi, I have no connection with udemy or the instructor of the course)


how do you get with $10?


I just went to the site in a different browser and got offered $19 this timeā€¦ strange!.. but then entered this code BEST202 and it changed to $10. I canā€™t guarantee it will work but it is worth a try.


thanks its work but still i am not ready for start Elixir :frowning: i need to learn Ruby now i understand Ruby but i have to good in Ruby after i will start becz when know one programming language i can learn other easy :slight_smile: and ruby(already 1 year) in my 1st language :slight_smile:

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Definitely worth the $10 if you are a visual/lecturing learning. Plenty of examples to follow along with, and he explains things well.


In case you canā€™t see the best deal price, you can get this course for $10 via:

I linked it via my site because I keep that page updated: So the ā€˜best dealā€™ button will always work. Also, when you browse Udemy after clicking the deal button youā€™ll see that it also activates the ā€œGet Most Courses for $10ā€ deal, in case you want to pick up any more.

I hope that helps!


Story of my life @astonj.

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This is the best course for Elixir (Phoenix) currently available. At least for me. There is one more on Pluralsight, but it is not as detailed as this one. And I donā€™t know this guy and have nothing to do with Udemy. And yes, this guy has other courses on React (Native) topics and is really awesome instructor.


Hey all - Author of the course here :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s a coupon code to get it for $10:

That code will never expire, so feel free to share if if you wish.

@Alchemist - I highly recommend that book, its great for cementing in the fundamentals of Elixir, and it also touches on some of the more useful, but arcane, syntax shortcuts in the language.


Hey Stephen - Iā€™ve added the code to the first post :023:

Iā€™m really enjoying the course btw - Iā€™ll do a proper review when Iā€™ve finished it but just want to say thank you! From what Iā€™ve seen so far it certainly lives up to its name of being an excellent bootcamp (particularly for Ruby/JS folk).

One quick bit of feedback, it might be an idea to not mention the location of keys on a keyboard - Iā€™m on a British keyboard and I think all of the ones you have mentioned so far have not been applicable to me :lol:


Good to know, just bought it :smiley:


Iā€™m going through the phoenix part now. It is very good, but very slow paced at times. Personally, I would prefer if the author focused more on teaching the content rather than spending time on the content being difficult (or not).

I still rate it favorably, though. Good content thus far. I already have some background in Elixir+Phoenix from the respective books. Itā€™s nice to learn from relatively well structured videos.

I hope the author makes an advanced Phoenix video course.

OTP, mnesia, macros, umbrella app structure, maybe even best practices with server side templating (eex) + react + phoenix json api backend.