Ash.Type.Enum to Phoenix.HTML.Form.options_for_select options?

I’ve created a custom type for my Enum so I could provide labels. I couldn’t find a function that returned the values and their labels. My as_select_options() is my short term solution. Is there an out of the box function?

`defmodule MyApp.AttendanceMode do
  use Ash.Type.Enum, values: [hybrid: "Hybird", in_person: "In Person", online: "Online"]

  def as_select_options() do
    |> key -> {description(key), key} end)

Here’s an example of how I use it.

        label="Attendance Mode"

There isn’t a function to do what you want, but we should make one :slight_smile:

I’d accept a PR for something along those lines. I’d like maybe a less web-y name, like labeled_values/0? Then you can do MyApp.AttendanceMode.labeled_values() in the section options. Please open a proposal issue or a PR :bowing_man:

While we’re about it, it would also be good to be able to override the description function so you can localise the descriptions.

Edit 1: I currently have a “translated” function in place of description along the lines of:

  def translated(value) do
    case value do
      :hybrid -> gettext("Hybrid")
      :in_person -> gettext("In Person")
      :online -> gettext("Online")

It would be nicer to have the same code in the description function so “it just works” elsewhere.

Edit 2: It looks like an easy enough change - just tagging the function as overridable, but would be good to understand why it isn’t currently.

I don’t think we had a use case for it yet, or had it brought up yet is all. I don’t see a reason that function couldn’t be overridable.

Would the request be for in Ash or AshPhoenix?

Option 1. In Ash, add a generic function

  @spec labeled_values() :: [{:atom, String.t()}]
  @doc """
  Returns a list of the values and their descriptions.
  def labeled_values() do
    |> key -> {key, description(key)} end)

Option 2. In AshPhoenix, maybe on Form, it could be more web-y specific.

# @spec options_for_select(Ash.Type.Enum.t()) :: [{String.t(), :atom}]
  @doc """
  Returns a list of the descriptions, value pairs to pass to Phoenix.HTML.Form.options_for_select/2.
  def options_for_select(enum) do
    |> key -> {enum.description(key), key} end)

Both? Option 3?

I think the first is more versatile. It doesn’t hurt to have it in core.

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Proposal Issue created

Thank you for your help