Cloak issue - (UndefinedFunctionError) function :crypto.stream_init/3 is undefined or private

Hi All,

I have upgraded cloak version from 0.6.2 to {:cloak_ecto, “~> 1.0.0”}
Erlang/OTP 25 [erts-13.0.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2:10] [async-threads:1] [jit:ns]
Elixir 1.13.4 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)

Whenever I try to migrate the old data or try to access them via application, I always get this error

** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :crypto.stream_init/3 is undefined or private
    (crypto 5.1.1) :crypto.stream_init(:aes_ctr, {:ok, <<56, 138, 106, 17, 173, 175, 16, 175, 12, 85, 252, 249, 179, 209, 235, 182, 107, 31, 156, 93, 236, 143, 202, 221, 116, 65, 57, 95, 143, 79, 13, 188>>}, <<43, 125, 214, 253, 52, 165, 131, 44, 177, 202, 118, 147, 35, 5, 80, 209>>)
    (cloak 1.0.3) lib/cloak/ciphers/deprecated/aes_ctr.ex:39: Cloak.Ciphers.Deprecated.AES.CTR.decrypt/2
    (my_future_now 4.0.0) lib/cloak_ecto/type.ex:47: MyApp.Encrypted.Binary.load/1
    (ecto 3.8.4) lib/ecto/type.ex:918: Ecto.Type.process_loaders/3
    (ecto 3.8.4) lib/ecto/repo/queryable.ex:403: Ecto.Repo.Queryable.struct_load!/6

Function: &:erlang.apply/2

    Args: [#Function<5.122125288/1 in Cloak.Ecto.Migrator.migrate_schema_with_data/2>, [1]]
[error] Task #PID<0.817.0> started from #PID<0.95.0> terminating
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :crypto.stream_init/3 is undefined or private
    (crypto 5.1.1) :crypto.stream_init(:aes_ctr, {:ok, <<56, 138, 106, 17, 173, 175, 16, 175, 12, 85, 252, 249, 179, 209, 235, 182, 107, 31, 156, 93, 236, 143, 202, 221, 116, 65, 57, 95, 143, 79, 13, 188>>}, <<225, 62, 249, 49, 101, 202, 45, 28, 221, 3, 238, 254, 112, 32, 115, 255>>)
    (cloak 1.0.3) lib/cloak/ciphers/deprecated/aes_ctr.ex:39: Cloak.Ciphers.Deprecated.AES.CTR.decrypt/2
    (my_future_now 4.0.0) lib/cloak_ecto/type.ex:47: MyApp.Encrypted.Binary.load/1
    (ecto 3.8.4) lib/ecto/type.ex:918: Ecto.Type.process_loaders/3

Please help me, how rto resolve this issue.

Have you tried the most recent release of cloak_ecto which is “~> 1.2” ? I ask because OTP 25 is relatively recent, perhaps it is not supported by the version of cloak you are trying?


The function that’s missing is from “the old API” of the crypto module, which was deprecated in OTP 23 and removed entirely in OTP 24. That version of cloak_ecto will not work on anything higher than OTP 23.

From the last couple posts in your previous thread on this issue, it sounded like migrating was going to be a lengthy, incremental process:

  • upgrade to cloak 0.7 and do the data migration
  • upgrade to 0.8 and 0.9 (minor config changes)
  • THEN upgrade to Ecto 3 + 1.0, because of the changes in the type conversion machinery
  • upgrade to 1.1 to get the fix for the functions removed in OTP 24

Thanks for the reply.

I tried upgrading the cloak to 0.7, but could not do the data migration. As it was already started giving the error on stream_init.
Hence I tried incrementing to later versions.

@santoshbt the stream_init issue is because your moved to OTP 25 too fast. You’ll need to use OTP 23 until you finish the cloak upgrade, then you can switch to OTP 25.


I am doing the same. For time being downgrading the OTP version.

Even after downgrading OTP version to 23, I am facing the error “Cloak.EncryptedBinaryField.equal?/2 is undefined or private” while inserting. But getting the data is working fine. It looks like it does not move anywhere now.

I suspect by default it upgrades ecto and ecto_sql as well.
I will install them in specific and check.