I have just started my adventure with Phoenix and Elixir but I would like to build REST API application.
I would like to use those really nice Ecto features but I don’t need database. I am about to connect this application to one another which will be the worker and will keep my resources.
I have tried mix phoenix.new --no-ecto - I haven’t had database connected but run into some undefined functions after I have used mix phoenix.create.json task. (schema/2).
I have tried to drop the repo with mix ecto.drop but still my application tries to connect to database and log file is just full of errors.
I have skipped ecto again and tried something simple but then I got some problems with render functions in my View module.
I would like my application to consume HTTP request and then send it to this other application (responsible for handling the resources) over some message bus.
When I tried --no-ecto I was following some tutorial found somewhere but then I read more about Ecto itself and Ecto used in Phoenix and I learned quite quickly that this would not be the option for me.
I have fixed issues with the render functions so now I can continue.