Hello Tomek, I’m very glad to see you around again, I hope you are recovering well !!
It is certainly a big question to imagine which could be the future for Drab. Drab is a really great library but, as you pointed out in your old post, LiveView have now stole the scene, since it is well integrated in Phoenix, have many contributors and assure a dependable future to its adopters.
To have a future, I think that Drab needs to become something non competitive to LV (like it is now, but that he cannot compete with), I mean something that adds a big value for developers that can’t be found in LV.
I remember that you had proposed the Drut project (here, and here), that could be an interesting approach, especially if it evolves as the enabler for directly and easily supporting the standard interactive frameworks like React, Vue, etc. in a Phoenix app with specific declination, as DrabReact, DrabVue, …