Edit: Please see our new #educational-material:books section
And their respective tags here on the forum - if you start a thread or post a review about any of these books feel free to tag it so that others (and their authors) can find the threads easily
Elixir Books
Programming Elixir by @pragdave
Book | Tag
Elixir in Action by @sasajuric
Book | Tag
The Little Elixir and OTP Guidebook by @bentanweihao
Book | Tag
Metaprogramming Elixir by @chrismccord
Book | Tag
Études for Elixir (Free!)
Book (or try here) | Tag
Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers by @kujua
Book | Tag
Phoenix Books
Programming Phoenix by @chrismccord @josevalim
Book | Tag
Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix by @lance
Book | Tag
Self-published books
Deploying Phoenix on Elastic Beanstalk with Docker (‘micro-manual’)
book | Tag
What’s new in Ecto 2.0 - FREE by @josevalim