Elixir for an absolute beginner?

Well @Ivo_N. First, welcome to the programming world. And now, I want to give my 1 cent to it.

I would start not by learning everything at once. Focus in one thing first and then move to the next step. This is what I would do:

  • First, I would learn Elixir, the language. How to create scripts, execute them and get solutions to basic problems on iex. For this, I would just follow the basic elixir guides.
  • Then, I would learn how to create an Elixir application (not a Phoenix web one). How to build the project using mix and etc. And this you also can find a tutorial on the basic elixir guides
  • Then I would move a little bit back and learn some web development basics. Like HTML, CSS and basic, very basic, javascript. I suggest the codeschool.com courses for it, it’s paid, but they are very good, I learned my first steps on web development there.
  • Then, finally, I would go to Phoenix, but with no secret in the front-end. You can start by the phoenix guides, and then try some books like the pragprog Programming Phoenix.

Well, it’s a long trip, but for me, this is the good path, you would just get crazy (mostly because of JS environment madness) trying to learn everything at the same time. Follow this path, one by one, and at the end you can call yourself a phoenix web developer.

For sure you’ll have a lot to learn after that, but everyone does. :wink: