Elixir for Programmers (PragDave)

That topic is about the ideas as proposed in the Empex 2018 Keynote.

The course predates that particular “component” development. It is my sense that the idea in the course is much simpler - favour decoupling. To that end “components” and OTP applications are synonymous for the purpose of the course - the Empex 2018 keynote added tooling/infrastructure for a particular implementation flavour of the component idea to move away from the Erlang/Elixir centric configuration practices (and templates on top of GenServer).

The course takes a much simpler approach - ignore Phoenix contexts and mix umbrella projects and use parallel application (Poncho projects) dependencies instead. It’s a valid approach but a lot of people are loath to give up the convenience that Phoenix contexts and umbrella projects afford them.

The resulting structure can be seen here

  • Hangman is the game (business) “component”.
  • TextClient the command line client
  • Gallows the Phoenix web frontend that uses the game “component”.