Elixir Forum 2025 Update - The 100M PV edition!

Welcome to our 2025 update everyone!

If you’re a regular reader of our updates you’ll know we often cover milestones we hit, and last year we shared the forum had broke another record by having served 2M pages in a single month - twice as much as what we had served in our entire first year! It was such an achievement in fact that we were wondering how on earth we’d top it! We did in fact beat it, by serving a very cool 2.5M in a single month.

That’s not the most impressive thing though. While keeping an eye on our stats something else caught our eye, the forum has now served a staggering 100M pageviews!! That’s 100 times more than our entire first year!!! :048:

This is testament not only to how much Elixir has grown, but also to all of you for helping it get to this stage :purple_heart:

The way you’ve taken part on public places like the forum matters. Not only do our high standards, level of discourse, quality of questions and answers and that all important buzz and activity you help create entice newcomers, but it also helps spur on existing members of the community - filling them with confidence and keeping them motivated and excited about Elixir and their projects. So even if you’ve never created or contributed to an open source library or project, if you’ve taken part in the community in a positive manner you’ve helped in a very important and meaningful way - never forget that!

Speaking of spurring on big projects, let’s turn our attention to one of if not the biggest of them all…

Phoenix Turns Ten!

Just like Rails was pivotal in the success of Ruby, Phoenix has been equally important for Elixir. Many people even considered it the spiritual successor to Rails - and you can certainly see why when so many Rails devs were quick to jump on board. Not only has Phoenix given us a highly performant framework by unlocking the power of Erlang via Elixir, but it is now pushing ground-breaking ideas like LiveView into the mainstream!

And just like Elixir has become Josè’s life’s work, the same can surely be said for Chris and Phoenix. Congratulations Chris to ten amazing years of Phoenix and thank you and all of the @Phoenix-Core-Team for giving us a leading world class framework - we can’t wait to see what you have in store for us for the next ten years!!

New Category: Special/Misc Sections

While on the topic of big projects we are introducing a new category which will house special sections. These are sections that don’t quite fit into one of the other categories but where there is either a need for such a section or where such a section could potentially be highly beneficial for the community (as a way to help facilitate the building of some sort of ’super’ library for instance).

Here’s the basic criteria:

These sections are usually created for Elixir tools or projects that are either very widely used within the community (with a large amount of existing threads) or have the potential to be very widely used or impactful on adoption. In either case there must be a demonstrable need for such a section.

For existing projects some of these needs could include multiple pinned threads or FAQs being required for the project, threads about that project benefiting from its core team being moderators for that section, or something else which isn’t currently possible with tags or a single thread which is what we usually recommend for such projects.

For new projects (i.e potential super libraries) you’ll have to garner support from the community with enough people willing to work on the project and then provide a compelling case that such a section would be necessary and beneficial. (If you have an idea for such project, start by creating a thread or a discussion in the chat room.)

The first project to get such a section will be Oban. We get a lot of Oban threads on the forum and the Oban team recently open-sourced Oban Web, making it even more attractive to people. Oban still also has a paid aspect (Oban Pro) and from time to time people inadvertently post closed source code onto the forum. With a dedicated section the Oban team can quickly edit out any closed-source code while also help with its day to day moderation - making things easier for our moderator team. Speaking of moderation…

Our New Section Moderators

With the community having grown so much over the years so too has the need to expand our moderator team. Luckily we are blessed with a large number of potential and brilliant candidates - so much so that our initial goal was up to 5 but we’ve actually ended up with more than double!

Please join us in welcoming them:












:purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

Thank you to all of our new team members - with your help we’re sure the forum will be in good stead for years to come!

For anyone else interested in helping out we also plan to revive our helpers scheme - this is where there will be less overall time required (and other general requirements) so keep your eyes peeled for that, especially if you are at TL3…

New MQ sections

If you’re a Trust Level 3 member and want to help out we have expanded our Moderation Queue sections to make this easier:

The first three will be of most interest to TL3 members.

If you feel a title and/or post could be improved and feel compelled to say something, instead of commenting in the thread you could simply move it to one of those sections - the OP will get notified their thread was moved there and the title of the category should be sufficient to let them know the title and/or post needs improving.

Have a look at the pinned threads in each section to see when it might be necessary to move threads to that section, however if possible please consider politely nudging the poster in the thread, only moving the thread if you feel it might be better (perhaps because you can’t think of a diplomatic way to suggest an improvement) or because the poster appears to be a repeat offender.

2025 Giveaways!

We’ve got more giveaways for you this year!

Will there be a Manning giveaway this year?

We’re not sure. The manager who we deal with is currently out of the office due to an unforeseen medical emergency and without an expected return date - we did try to get in touch with the person taking over their responsibilities but have not yet received a response. We’ll update this thread if we’re able to sort one out for this year.

For those of you who want even more chances to win, we have similar giveaways on Devtalk and the Erlang Forums too:

Devtalk Giveaways

Erlang Forums Giveaways

2025 Discounts!!

Our discounts are back!!

  • 35% off any ebook published by PragProg!
    Simply use our Devtalk coupon code devtalk.com

  • 10% off ElixirCasts… for life!
    Simply use coupon code elixirforum

  • 20% off ANY Pragmatic Studio course!
    Simply use our Devtalk coupon code devtalk.com

  • 10% off AppSignal… for 12 months!
    Simply use coupon code elixirforum

Don’t forget to check out our amazing sponsors who help make all this possible! :purple_heart:

Members of the Year!

Our MOTY scheme is one of our most loved initiatives and it’s back again this year, with 50 MOTYs! Remember, these are awarded purely based on forum participation - so get involved if you want to be considered for this highly prestigious accolade :innocent:

2024 Members of the Year!

With over 25K members it’s difficult to whittle this list down to just 50 because we have so many amazing members - so please forgive us if we missed you! We’ve done our best to select based on the most active posters, those with the most accepted solutions, likes, input, etc.

If you’re named here, thank you and well done! Please also read the bit at the end as we have an ebook for you!




















































:041: :041: :041: :041: :041:

As a thank you, we have an ebook for each of our winners! We have 25 books from PragProg and 25 from Manning so if you are listed above, please PM @AstonJ with your first choice from one publisher and your backup choice from the other, as well as your full name, country of residence and email address - we’ll then allocate these on a first come first serve basis :023: (They don’t have to be an Elixir book either, they can be any book so long as they are published by either PragProg or Manning.)

Forum plans for 2025

The forum turns 10 next year so our plans for this year include getting us ready for the next 10 years! :smiley: We’re also hoping to do more on the project we mentioned last year so watch this space if that was of any interest to you!

Wrapping up

2024 was another fantastic year for Elixir. Phoenix turned ten, LiveView 1.0 was released, Elixir made headway on its type system, we saw the introduction of an official Language Server team, Erlang/OTP 27 was released, Oban open-sourced Opan Web, Ash 3.0 was released, Hologram had its first major release …and more!

We know we say it every year but Elixir wouldn’t be where it is without you. Apart from the obvious fact that projects like these wither away without any users, the impact your positivity and excitement has on project creators and maintainers is critically important - you help breath life into new features and the continued development of them - the more excited you are, the more excited project creators and maintainers are to work on them!

So please don’t stop being excited and please don’t stop being vocal about it. Even if you’re happy with how things stand today, just imagine where things could be tomorrow, or 10 years from now! One thing is certain, with your continued support they will surely be somewhere amazing!

Have a great 2025 everyone!


Thanks for the update, as always. And, congratulations to the new Section Moderators!


Awesome news! Thanks to everyone involved with running and moderating the forum and helping the community thrive all these years.

I’m very surprised to be mentioned in the update! Happy to be here and contribute – great 2025 to everyone!

Oh yeah, 2024 was a great year! Cheers to the year ahead of us! :clinking_glasses: :purple_heart:


Woo hoo! Another great year for Elixir!

Thanks to everyone in the community for making this place awesome!


Congratulations to the moderators and thank you for keeping the forum alive and kicking, and giving us a home.


I swear half the time I find a forum/blog post that ends my search on a given problem, it’s been written by @LostKobrakai. Thanks for your contributions, and thanks to all the other people keeping the forum alive!


Wow, what an incredible milestone - 100M pageviews! :tada:

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to this amazing community. As someone who has benefited tremendously from all the helpful discussions and knowledge shared here, it’s heartwarming to see these numbers that really show how much impact this forum has had.

The friendliness and welcoming nature of everyone here is truly special. Whether you’re a complete beginner asking basic questions or diving into complex technical discussions, people are always patient, supportive and eager to help. That’s pretty rare to find online these days!

Special shoutout to all the moderators (old and new!), regular contributors, and everyone who takes time to answer questions and share their expertise. You folks make this place awesome! :purple_heart:

Here’s to the next 100M pageviews!


Awesome :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:…Thanks for the beautiful update and the work so far


You guys have help us stay in tune with the language, this community is the strongest community…I have seen
Thank you