Elixir, Phoenix and Ash Beginner's Guide (self-published) (free)

I see, makes sense. Just to let you know … the The Little Ecto Cookbook (self-published) (free) was released exactly like that. I was reporting some issues on email and they send me an updated version. Also many books at manning.com are pre released in MEAP (Manning Early Access Program) version, so that’s definitely not an anti-pattern if you worry about it.

I haven’t used Ash yet, so I will be definitely reading your guide. I know ash is growing and supports lots of stuff in Elixir ecosystem, but I did not saw anything related to CQRS/ES. I know only commanded guides on hexdocs, but I did not found anything ash-related. Maybe you can consider adding a guide about ash support for it (if any) or something like that.

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