In case you want to learn Erlang. This course starts in a couple of weeks. I have not taken any other courses from this venue, but I’m signed up for this one. I’ll be sure to report back with my experience.
The course is notionally 5 hours per week for 3 weeks. If it’s like the other courses I’ve taken on FutureLearn then it’s very much geared around mutual student support (with occasional help from course tutors) on the discussion section of each course element. There are no core times to attend so it’s very much at one’s convenience.
I have signed up the course. I’m new to both Erlang and Elixir, so I hope to learn some foundation of functional programming and help me get started in Elixir
Thanks for sharing the mooc. I always wanted to dive a bit deeper to explore the roots Erlang which might help to better understand the concepts and ideas in Erlang/Elixir.
They really are the same language, just different syntax.
Erlang tends to be shorter in code because it is Prolog’y.
However Elixir has macro’s, which tends to reduce code substantially more. ^.^
The closest to macro’s that Erlang has are parse transforms, which are indeed as powerful, however they are much harder to make and use.