General Elixir Talks

Kicking this thread of with the now infamous talk by Dave Thomas (or at least the best recording of it I can find) - please add any you feel are worth sharing :slightly_smiling:


9 posts were split to a new topic: Phoenix Talks

Josh Adams - Introduction to Elixir for Rubyists

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The Joy of Functional Programming - Venkat Subramaniam

Functional programming design patterns by Scott Wlaschin


Does anyone have good quality versions of the confs that took place at Erlang Factory?

The versions I found are quite bad: Design by Contract

It’s hard to hear people speaking and the code and slides are unreadable.

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This any better? (Seems ok on my MBA speakers)


Seems better, thank you :slightly_smiling:

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Making Sense of Elixir Directives

What are Directives?

  • Way to declare, import and reference other Modules
  • Elixir has four of them
  • But, but, why?

^ Think require in Ruby, import in Python

^ Elixir has four, all with slightly different purposes. Based on conversation I was having I find them confusing so I dug in a bit

^ Wrote up my gripes, presented them to Jose & Chris McCord. Summary is they agree it’s confusing, but have a hard time figuring out how to change things already set in motion. So, this is my effort to add some clarity to the situation.

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Nerves Project - Garth Hitchens


The Climb Experiencing the Rise of Elixir from the Inside - Bruce Tate & Dave Thomas

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Just watched the talk above ^^ and have to say it’s very inspiring! “We are all Sherpas”.
We are, and even by being part of the community (adding momentum) we are doing our bit :023:

Edit: this looks good too!

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RubyBelgium Talks - Andrew Fecheyr: Introduction to Elixir

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What’s Ahead for Elixir? By José at ElixirConfEu 2016

Elixir Elevate by @gregvaughn at the first Elixir Conf (2014)


I hesitate to favorite because of humility. Thanks for mentioning my old talk. I just finished José’s talk and it’s really great. I’m looking forward to using GenStage and GenBroker. That’s just what my company needs to introduce Elixir into production.


Ecto - the Past, the Present, the Future


This looks good: From a Ruby on Rails Monolith to Elixir and Elm Microservices (ElixirConfEU 2016)

Keynote Empire City Elixir 2016


Giving Back, building your first package By Brian Cardarella at Empire City Elixir Conference

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Did a quick look through don’t think this has been posted yet, but this is the talk that got me really excited about elixir.

Elixir Conf 2014 - Keynote: Think Different by Dave Thomas