Ciao e benvenuto (Hi and welcome).
It’s nice to read a fellow citizen, greetings from Milano
Hi everyone! I’m a front-end developer from Croatia looking to Elixir for some back-end support to become more self-sufficient. I’ve been dabbling into full-stack development for a while now, primarily in Node.js, but after I learned about Elixir and looked into it a bit, I got hooked and now the more I learn about it (and its whole ecosystem), the more I love it.
Hello and welcome!
Hi, all!
I’m Tayla from Melbourne, Australia.
Quite new to Elixir, have some experience with pet projects in Python and JavaScript.
Really enjoying Elixir/Erlang!
Hello cool Elixir Community,
Uzo Enudi from Nigeria. I am C/C++ programmer investing my time in Elixir and never looking back. I also do graphic designs and paintings in my spare time.
Hey, I’m Gerry from Vancouver Canada. I’ve been programming since the 0.x releases of Rails. Before that mostly C++ and C# in the video game world. I’ve also dabbled in iOS apps with Objective-C.
I have nothing but respect for José and Chris. I remember when I first heard about Elixir in the very early days and thought that he was crazy for taking on such a huge project and yet here we are. I remember Chris giving a demo at some long ago RailsConf and the excitement he had about this new system.
Still learning the details of Elixir and Phoenix but hoping I’ll be able to use this for my next production project.
I’ve lurked on this board for over a year and love the community feel. Reminds me of Rails back in the early days. Appreciate what you all have created here. Elixir has this sweet spot with a strong backing via Erlang so it isn’t going away while still being small enough to feel like a community.
hello elixir world, i’m arooj from USA, just getting started with programming in general, looking to build a web app with elixir and phoenix eventually. exciting times, feel free to send me any links that helped you on your journey
Hello and welcome!
I’m going to drop a link to another thread in this forum. There’s a video linked in the first message. It probably won’t help you in learning anything now yet but I feel it gives a similar experience as entering a dojo for the first time and casually observing a 5th dan black belt executing an amazingly perfect kata with grace and ease…and finding yourself so compelled to learn it that you can’t stop coming back and train the best you can. Hope you will enjoy too:
Hello. I’m Jesse, from Seattle, WA, USA. I’ve been enjoying Elixir for about nine months, now, and it’s been quite a good introduction to functional style programming. I’ve been exploring Phoenix (and LiveView), Absinthe, Ecto, NIFs (Rustler at first, but I just found out about Zigler, so I’ve got to check that out, too), and I’ve also been poking around with Erlang.
Thanks for having such an excellent forum to check for information!
Hello. I’m Jared, from Colorado (presently). I’ve used Erlang as a hobby language since 2007 or so when I read an article in the Communications of the ACM about it. I’ve spent the last month exploring Elixir, with the plan to build some applications in it, specifically with Phoenix (what I’m planning to dive into tonight or tomorrow).
Hello world, I’m Leonardo Ugiete from Brazil. An Elixir enthusiastic
Hello, I’m Alberto from Italy!
Ciao Alberto, benvenuto! Che bello vedere un italiano in più nel forum
(Hello Alberto, welcome! [… some patriotic non-inclusive words ])
Hello all! Ciao a tutti!
I’m Markus, a hobbyist programmer from Finland. I’ve been looking for a nice backend language to replace PHP for some time, and was considering Rust, but Elixir/Phoenix looks like a much better option when ultimate performance isn’t really needed.
p.s. no, I’m not Italian, I just love languages - both natural languages and programming languages [and especially Italian, perché è la lingua più bella del mondo.]
Ciao Markus, benvenuto nel forum!
P.S. Shouldn’t we ask Jose to change Elixir with Elisír?
The finnish version is nice too… eliksiiri
Hello, this is Anil Kulkarni from Mumbai, India. I have been basically working with Python and enjoying Elixir and functional programming in general.
Hi I’m Geraldine, Geraldin for short.
I have a good grasp in python and eager to learn other languages.
Really bored in my apartment… I wish I can confidently go outside…
Looking forward to contribute and learn here! cheers!
Hello and welcome Geraldine! As long as you wear a good kn95 mask, respect the correct distance avoiding crowded areas and keep a healthy hands hygiene I’d say you can get out for a nice walk with no fear, of course if you are not under strict lockdown. Even only half an hour of sun light is enough to produce your daily amount of vitamin D. Stay safe and enjoy the forum, this community is one of the best in many ways
Hello there ,
I am Venkatesh Shanmugham from Bengaluru, India.