Hello Elixir World (Introductions thread)

Hello I am qirong from China…I think I am the only Chinese


Welcome! What are you working on with Elixir?

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Hi Everyone! :wave:

I’m Jason, currently based in Hong Kong. Discovered and fell in love with Elixir a couple of years ago and cannot imagine my life without it. My first “real” Elixir project was an entry to a Tokyo transit data competition called TransitHQ. It’s a Google Directions-like API for the Tokyo train system powered by Elixir/Phoenix and Neo4j. It was a really challenging and fun project and even won an award! :blush:

(shameless plug) I work in a small software agency doing NodeJS/Vue/React Native projects but would LOVE to do some Elixir projects :grin:

Looking forward to learning from all of you and hopefully contribute in the future. Stay safe!



Wow, that looks really neat! Do you have a separate write-up of it anywhere? It would be neat to create a separate post for it. It’s too bad that page doesn’t have anchor tags! But you can search for “TransitHQ” to find it on the page.

Also for anyone curious here are some relevant links from that page:


Thanks a lot @axelson! I don’t have a write-up for it yet unfortunately. It’s something on my radar as I plan to flesh out the API more, update the data and build a front-end for it (hopefully in LiveView) - just need to find the time to do it!


thank you for sharing!

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use this not for work…I am a java programmer.
Making a chinese traditional card game with phoenix&elm using my spare time

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Hello there :pray:t2:

I’m Abdullah. I’ve been participating in the forums for a while now but haven’t really introduced myself.

I’m from Kuwait (overall, probably the hottest country in the world during summer). I work for a company that provides live/recorded courses online, focused for Arabic speakers. Discovered elixir in 2015 and started using it for almost all personal projects ever since. I’m the author of Kaffy. I use both python and elixir professionally.

I love the elixir community and the elixir language itself.


Hello, I’m Sushant Bajracharya. I am a frequent visitor to this forum but I am just introducing myself now.

I am from Kathmandu, Nepal. My job is to write rails apps and I am learning elixir in my free time.

I found out about elixir through a colleague in 2019 and this is my first FP language.


Hi. I am João from Brasil. I like learning programming mostly for fun really, as i’m currently studying for my masters degree on a totally unrelated area. I picked up Elixir to be my first functional language simply because it was created by a brazilian guy haha, but now i am really enjoying it, it’s a very nice and fun language to code in, specially after spending some time messing with js and node.

IO.puts("Hello World")

My name is Gabriel! Greetings from Brazil! :smiley:


Hi all! I’ve been learning Elixir since early this year and it has quickly become my favourite language.


Hello world

I’m Mykolas from lithuania, started experimenting with elixir about three months ago. So far loving this language!


IO.puts("Hello World)

I’m Sébastien from Germany. I like Elixir and want to do more with it. I especially want to explore combining it with Rust for high-performance functionality, and possibly with Haskell for high-complexity domains that benefit from its rich type system.


Hi. I’m Paweł from Poland. I have couple years of commercial RoR experience and I’m just getting started to get my hands dirty with Elixir. I’m regularly blogging on https://pawelurbanek.com/


Hi! I’m Melwyn, French living in Poland (Krakow). I started learning Elixir 2 months ago and really enjoy it.
Learning Elixir and Phoenix will be quite a journey. That’s why I would be really happy to connect with other members on this forum to do peer learning.

You can contact me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/melwyntee
And linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melwynturbant/


nice! many people are starting to appreciate Elixir/Erlang!


hi, im jose from dominican republic :dominican_republic:, im learning elixir and i iike it


Hi, I’m Win from Thailand. I working on Elixir since May this year (which’s rollout to production already :slight_smile:).


Welcome from your friendly neighbour! :laos: