How can I submit LiveView form with data from hook elements?

Hi @nallwhy,

If you are using a sophisticated JS component (e.g. Quill, TipTap), probably the easiest way is to wire up an event handler for your Javascript component I the mount function of your liveview hook. That event handler can then push what’s needed to your liveview process using pushEvent or pushEventTo. You then need to write handle_event functions in your liveview (or live component) as normal.

This link explains it: How to connect Quill with Phoenix using Quill as an example. I used this as a reference for wiring up the TipTap editor library.

An example multi-select component for liveview is available via a library - GitHub - saleyn/phx-multi-select: Phoenix LiveView MultiSelect Component - you could take a look in there for more inspiration on how to wire things together.