How would you recommend providing all countries collection to a phoenix form select?

I need to support translations or at least show the countries in French.

All Hex packages I found so far don’t support i8n and will just show the names in English.

I’m hesitating between creating a table for countries in the database, or just use a long list without database. It seems to me that this is how the packages I found work though.

Is there maybe a package that you would recommend to me. I just need the countries names and maybe their ISO prefix.


You should use CLDR for that:

As an example, we’ve used this to show a list of countries (with unicode flag):

defmodule MyAppWeb.RegistrationView do
  use MyAppWeb, :view

  alias Cldr.Territory

  def country_select(form, opts \\ []) do
    select(form, :address_country, country_options(), opts)

  def country_options() do
    |> Enum.sort(&(&1[:key] <= &2[:key]))

  def country_option(country) do
    [key: Territory.from_territory_code!(country),
     value: country,
     data_label: Territory.to_unicode_flag!(country)]

You could use the translate_territory/3 method or if you only support french then just set the locale for that.


Thanks, that’s perfect. ^^

Finaly I had to create a Cldr backend module following the docs.

Then I replaced in your code, Cldr.Territory.from_territory_code!(country) with:

Territory.from_territory_code!(country, MyApp.Cldr)

Otherwise I was getting an error message saying that Cldr.Territory.from_territory_code!/1 does not exist.

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Good call! That’s been the major change in v2, the above code was used with v1. Unfortunately I can’t edit the post to update the example.

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Does anyone know where the translations come from? How they are generated and where they are stored? Unfortunately it doesn’t say in the docs
cc @kip ?

The localisation data comes from the CLDR project. The source is on github.

For ex_cldr and friends, the localisation data is baked into the code in a backend module. Using the example above, Territory.from_territory_code!(country, MyApp.Cldr), MyApp.Cldr is a backend module.

The serialised data can be explored, if you’re curious, by looking at the output from Cldr.Config.get_locale("en", %Cldr.Config{locales: :all}). Please note this is not a function to be used at runtime, its for compile time usage or exploration purposes only.


So I’m new to CLDR and I’ve seen on the website that the database contains telephone codes:
CLDR Features - CLDR - Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (under country information, last bullet point).

However there’s no way to retrieve a country calling code with ex_cldr and its friends?

I guess this should be in cldr_territories but it’s not included.

CLDR has deprecated telephone code data so it hasn’t been included in any ex_cldr or related library to my knowledge.

Depending on your requirements you might find ex_phone_number meets your needs. If you’re after a wrapper for Google’s libphonenumber which is the canonical library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers you might find elibphonenumber closer to your requirement although it is a NIF so has a more complex build process.

Lastly, if none of these meets your needs, let me know what the use case is - its an interesting topic (like postal codes) but just not currently top of my list of things to do.


Thank you @kip I created a new thread because I went off-topic from this original question.

Better SEO for others who look for that information:)

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I’ve added a territory select helper to ex_cldr_html, there’s an explanation in this forum thread: