@Exadra37 well, I couldn’t help myself so I put some work into an API for text and shape overlays. Not quite ready for formal release yet but its available to try from GitHub in the text branch. These demos are in the lib/demo.ex file.
Reproducing the example
The code that produced this is:
def demo1 do
{:ok, base_image} = Image.open("test/support/images/Singapore-2016-09-5887.jpg")
{:ok, polygon} = Shape.polygon(@points, fill_color: @polygon_color, stroke_color: "none", height: Image.height(base_image), opacity: 0.8)
{:ok, explore_new} = Text.new_from_string("EXPLORE NEW", font_size: 95, font: "DIN Alternate")
{:ok, places} = Text.new_from_string("PLACES", font_size: 95, font: "DIN Alternate")
{:ok, blowout} = Text.new_from_string("BLOWOUT SINGAPORE SALE", font_size: 40, font: "DIN Alternate")
{:ok, start_saving} = Text.new_from_string("START SAVING", font_size: 30, padding: 20, background_fill_color: "none", background_stroke_color: "white", background_stroke_width: 5)
|> Image.compose!(polygon, x: :middle, y: :top)
|> Image.compose!(explore_new, x: 260, y: 200)
|> Image.compose!(places, x: 260, y: 260)
|> Image.compose!(blowout, x: 260, y: 340)
|> Image.compose!(start_saving, x: 260, y: 400)
|> Image.write!("/Users/kip/Desktop/polygon.png")
Simple Text Overlay
Which is created with:
def demo3 do
{:ok, base_image} = Image.open("test/support/images/Singapore-2016-09-5887.jpg")
{:ok, singapore} = Text.new_from_string("Singapore", font_size: 100, font: "DIN Alternate")
|> Image.compose!(singapore, x: :center, y: :middle)
|> Image.write!("/Users/kip/Desktop/center_text.png")
Transparent Text
This one is quite fun. Reversed text, full screen overlay with transparency. Created with:
def demo2 do
{:ok, base_image} = Image.open("test/support/images/Singapore-2016-09-5887.jpg")
{:ok, singapore} = Text.new_from_string("SINGAPORE", font_size: 250, font: "DIN Alternate", padding: base_image, text_fill_color: :transparent, background_fill_color: "black", background_fill_opacity: 0.6)
|> Image.compose!(singapore)
|> Image.write!("/Users/kip/Desktop/overlay.png")
Should be able to have both text overlays and shape overlays finished on the weekend.