Looking for a I2C sensors kit for playing with Nerves

Hey all :wave:
I recently started playing with Nerves and I’d like to experiment with sensors of different types:

  • temperature
  • pressure
  • microphone
  • infrared
  • humidity
  • laser

just to mention a few.

Ideally, I’d like to buy a kit with different sensors, but I’m not sure which one. I’m worried to buy a kit and ending up with sensors that are not compatible with Nerves.

As far as I understood, for better compatibility, the sensors should be a I2C or SPI based. But it should also be possible to use an ADC to support analog sensors, this would probably open more possibilities :thinking:

And to use more I2C sensors I’d probably need an I2C multiplexer.

Too many questions and doubts that are refraining me to continue my journey.

I know the question is really broad, but any suggestions is welcome.
Thank you all and happy hacking!


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Hi! I found a kit that looks easy to get started with. No soldering required as it is connected via connector.

There might be other good kits. Enjoy!

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Hey @pojiro
that looks pretty interesting :star_struck:

Thanks for suggesting it, I’ll let you know :wink:

Cheers :v:

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