Mfpb - A minimalistic PostBin powered by Phoenix LiveView

Hi everybody!

In the last couple of weeks, I’ve written a minimalistic PostBin/RequestBin clone to experiment with Phoenix LiveView.

You can create an URL to send your requests to and mfpb will show them as they arrive with as little processing as possible (no JSON parsing etc). The idea was having something akin to sending requests to a listening instance of netcat.

You can try it live here and you can find the source on GitHub.

The repo includes instructions to deploy your local instance (including a Docker image) and an example nginx configuration if you want to put it behind a reverse proxy to use some advanced features.

I hope you find it useful!


This is cool! And is also a nice, tight example of a number of useful techniques (e.g. process registry, pubsub, custom plugs, supervision tree startup, tracking of temporary state in separate genserver etc) - shame it didn’t make it in time for the PhoenixPhrenzy competition - I’d be upvoting it!

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@mindok thanks! The idea came to my mind when there were like 2 days left for PhoenixPhrenzy, but I didn’t want to rush something out and I chose to do things with calm.

Anyway, I’ve just released v0.2.0 of mfpb.

This version adds support for arbitrary data in the body (it won’t be rendered if it contains non-printable characters, instead of crashing) and a handy “Download body” button that makes you download the body of the request as file.

I’ve already updated and the Docker image is ready to pull.

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