Just a heads up latest tailwind no longer needs the zombie.sh wrapper!
You probably figured it out, but for others, start here: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers.html#sigil_H/2
Also note you don’t have to convert to .heex right now, so feel free to take it easy.
I believe he refers to the CDN version of Tailwind specifically, which I believe includes all classes and it is often too large. So you definitely want Tailwind to be tailored to your needs. Other than that, using CDN is !
PS: I will close this thread so we unify all of those useful updates tips and feedback in one place. But I enjoyed the waiting period and seeing people excited about the release here. Here is the 1.6.0-rc announcement: Phoenix 1.6.0-rc.0 released!