Hello friends, I have a problem when using mix with windows cmd (latest erl+elixir).
I open a command line and run mix. After that, whenever I press up arrow (to get the prev cmd) I see ^[[A instead (notice that I get similar behavior with all arrow keys i.e I get ^[[A^[[B^[[D^[[C for up down left right).
If I run chcp on the same cmd it fixes the behavior and the arrows work again. But when I run mix again, it breaks again! Notice that I get the same behavior elixir x. Running iex works fine. Also please notice that if I run elixir (without parameters) the up arrow works. It only breaks If I pass a parameter to it (that’s what mix.bat also does).
If I run erl (using Erlang/OTP 26 [erts-14.1.1]) the up arrow works both on the erlang interpreter and If i quit (using double ctrl+c). However if I quit using ctrl+c and then a (abort) the up arrow breaks (!)