Programming Phoenix (Pragprog)

Will this book be updated for Phoenix 1.6?


Hello everybody!

@pragprog @chrismccord @josevalim @redrapids Hey guys! Thanks for this great book! Do you know if it will be updated to latest Phoenix 1.6 (or even maybe the next one 1.7) since some important things changed (gen_auth, LiveView, heex, etc.)

Also, hijacking this comment to ask the following… I noticed the “XYZ Brain Teasers” series. Please guys do one with Elixir (also @sasajuric)!

It was delightful to watch José in AoC… I guess an Elixir Brain Teasers will be a best seller!


I’m reading Programming Phoenix 1.4 and to be honest wrapping my head around config files etc is really hard even if I have used Phoenix before. The book tells where the Endpoint is configured which is config ​:hello​, HelloWeb.Endpoint, in config.exs. Then it jumps to the endpoint.ex.
I know what it’s doing, but there is a lot of more code. I can’t wrap my head around it completely.

I think this section needs more explanation, because we are not as proficient as the book authors. :slight_smile:

You don’t need to wrap your head around every bit of this code at this point. Try to digest as much as the book teaches you.

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A good suggestion. It’s working.