My application accepts a string input and dynamic values from an uploaded CSV file and should generate a response based on the csv.
The string has placeholders have corresponding values in the CSV under the headers.
I was wondering whether there is a more efficient way of reading the stream once to perform the whole operation as opposed to fetching columns which are in the first row then streaming through the file again replacing the occurrence of the header in the string.
It’s not quite clear to me what you’re trying to achieve. It might be useful to show a small example of the two inputs (string input and CSV file) and expected output.
Thank you for your response and apologies for not being clear.
Assuming this is my csv:
Francis Waters,,$1810.08
Ina Thomas,,$5639.13
George Cortez,,$222.81
Oscar Nguyen,,$7167.56
Wayne Campbell,,$964.14
My text looks something like this:
#name, you owe us #balance this month. Please see your statement here #email
The result for each row should be something like this:
Francis Waters, you owe us $1810.08 this month. Please see your statement here
test "sentences" do
data = """
Francis Waters,,$1810.08
Ina Thomas,,$5639.13
George Cortez,,$222.81
Oscar Nguyen,,$7167.56
Wayne Campbell,,$964.14
rows = String.split(data, "\n"), fn line -> line |> String.split(",") |> sentence() end)
defp sentence([name, email, balance]) do
"#{name}, you owe us #{balance} this month. Please see your statement here #{email}"
defp sentence(_), do: ""
["name, you owe us balance this month. Please see your statement here email",
"Francis Waters, you owe us $1810.08 this month. Please see your statement here",
"Ina Thomas, you owe us $5639.13 this month. Please see your statement here",
"George Cortez, you owe us $222.81 this month. Please see your statement here",
"Oscar Nguyen, you owe us $7167.56 this month. Please see your statement here",
"Wayne Campbell, you owe us $964.14 this month. Please see your statement here",
Using Enum.take(1) on a stream to get the headers should be pretty efficient. Using Nimble CSV:
alias NimbleCSV.RFC4180, as: CSV
# Creates a list of header names
= input_csv_stream
|> CSV.parse_stream(skip_headers: false)
|> Enum.take(1)
# Then you can do what you need to with the main CSV. If you are a bit lazy (like me) you can zip
# the header with the value into a map to allow easy lookup for processing your string template
= input_csv_stream
|> CSV.parse_stream(skip_headers: true)
|> row ->, row) |> Enum.into(%{}) end)
|> row_map -> template_wrangling_stuff(template, row_map) end)
|> Enum.take(10) # or however you want to deal with the output
It takes about 1 sec to load and convert a 1.000.000 lines CSV.
So I’d just stick with the naive implementation for this one (and - having about 1 Billion revenue in that file - just buy a supercomputer to speed things up if need be).
I need to achieve exactly what you did but bearing in mind that the csv titles and content would be dynamic, for example the next template can be exam scores so message would look like this:
hi #name, you have scored #physics in physics, #chemistry in chemistry and #maths in maths
The csv would then look something like this:
James Ortega,44,14,49
Eula Garrett,26,74,16
Emily Marsh,47,22,73
Tommy Jenkins,37,54,55
Ronnie Nash,54,04,31
I hacked that into the first solution, so you can get an idea.
def load(csv) do
[header | rows] = String.split(csv, "\n")
fun = &sentence(&1, header), fn line -> line |> String.split(",") |> fun.() end)
defp sentence([name, email, balance], "name,email,balance") do
"#{name}, you owe us #{balance} this month. Please see your statement here #{email}"
defp sentence([other, header], "other,header") do
"#{other}, ... #{header} ..."
defp sentence(_, _), do: ""
EDIT this wont work: If this does what you want, I’d create a lookup header => template instead of the multiple functions.
template =
"hi #name, you have scored #physics in physics, #chemistry in chemistry and #maths in maths"
input = """
James Ortega,44,14,49
Eula Garrett,26,74,16
Emily Marsh,47,22,73
Tommy Jenkins,37,54,55
Ronnie Nash,54,04,31
[headers] =
|> NimbleCSV.RFC4180.parse_string(skip_headers: false)
|> Enum.take(1)
replacement_hs =
|> header -> "#" <> header end)
|> NimbleCSV.RFC4180.parse_string(skip_headers: true)
|> row ->
Enum.zip_reduce(row, replacement_hs, template, fn col_val, header, acc ->
String.replace(acc, header, col_val)
The only reasons to use NimbleCSV here is because sometimes there can be escaped separation characters and if you have a streamable source it’s just easier to get it working. Using @mindok example but with a string I would just map the headers into their replacement tokens ("#some_header") and then brute force the replacements unless it turned out to be slower than acceptable at which maybe compiling a custom regex could be faster.
Definitely use a CSV-parser. I just wanted to keep it simple.
I like your little template-engine, but maybe its not really beginner-friendly (and it doesn’t address the selection of the template by CSV header).
my solution with nimble
def load(csv) do
[header | rows] = NimbleCSV.RFC4180.parse_string(csv, skip_headers: false), fn row -> sentence(row, header) end)
defp sentence([name, email, balance], ["name", "email", "balance"]) do
"#{name}, you owe us #{balance} this month. Please see your statement here #{email}"
defp sentence([other, header], ["other", "header"]) do
"#{other}, ... #{header} ..."
@mnussbaumer’s solution is better because you don’t need to write code for the templates, could even put them in a json if you want. Just create a map header -> template from which to select the template you need.
This works perfectly on my Ubuntu box which allows upgrading to 1.12 of elixir which introduced Enum.zip_reduce. Production VM runs Centos 7 so I’m stuck at 1.10 unfortunately. The IP is whitelisted by a service provider and they’ve dragged their feet in getting another whitelisted where we can have Debian
Another thing about the templates: just found out, that EEx is part of Elixir, so the templates could also be written in EEx (without any dependency). But as I understand it, the assigns have to be in the form [{:atom, <value>}, ...] so the header would have to be converted to atoms.
"<%= @name %>, you owe us <%= @balance %> this month...",
[name: "Wayne Campbell", balance: "$964.14", ...]
Not necessarily. You can use a mix release which will include ERTS and the compiled Elixir app. You don’t need to have Erlang & Elixir installed on the production VM. That’s the real beauty of a mix release.
A little off topic but relevant to my suggestion:
The easiest way to do this is to install the lxd snap on your Ubuntu box and then launch a CentOS 7 container and shell into it.
Inside the CentOS 7 container install asdf, then the Erlang & Elixir asdf plugins. Then install all of the dependencies required to build Erlang (see the asdf erlang plugin repo).
After that install Erlang & Elixir via asdf, copy your mix project into the container and build the release. Upload the release the the production VM and run it.
It might sound like a bit much, but it’s actually not that complicated and once it’s done, you will then have the CentOS 7 container around to use for future releases as well as a playground to build and test anything else that you don’t want to install on the production CentOS server. I’ve been using LXC containers for all sorts of things like that for years now.