Should strings be wrapped in a function in functional programming?

I’m going through Tate and DeBenedetto’s Programming Phoenix LiveView and observed the code below.

  defp assign_chart_svg(%{assigns: %{chart: chart}} = socket) do
    |> assign(:chart_svg, render_bar_chart(chart, title(), subtitle(), x_axis(), y_axis()))

  defp title do
    "Product Ratings"

  defp subtitle do
    "Average star ratings per product"

  defp x_axis do

  defp y_axis do

As somebody new to functional programming, I’m wondering whether this granular-level of function definitions is typical? I can see some options:

  • it is idiomatic and a best practice to wrap strings in a function.
  • it is only a best practice to wrap a string in a function when the function name can clarify the purpose of the string (“stars” is not as descriptive as y_axis)
  • it is unusual and is likely being done to account for some sort of future abstraction that relies on a callback of said functions

I’m not arguing for or against anything, just curious for best-practices and idiomatic Elixir use of string binaries. Thanks!

Probably a more common alternative in Elixir would be to use module attributes. e.g.:

@title "Product Ratings"
@subtitle "Average star ratings per product"
@x_axis "products"
@y_axis "stars"

  defp assign_chart_svg(%{assigns: %{chart: chart}} = socket) do
    |> assign(:chart_svg, render_bar_chart(chart, @title, @subtitle, @x_axis, @y_axis))

…However, module attributes are private to a module, so to expose them to other modules you would need to use a public function, e.g.

@title "Product Ratings"
@subtitle "Average star ratings per product"
@x_axis "products"
@y_axis "stars"

  defp assign_chart_svg(%{assigns: %{chart: chart}} = socket) do
    |> assign(:chart_svg, render_bar_chart(chart, @title, @subtitle, @x_axis, @y_axis))

  def the_same_title_we_use_everywhere(), do: @title # or "Product Ratings"
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Ya, what @mindok said. I have have barely read any of that book so maybe there are going somewhere with it and will flesh it out later? Wrapping strings in functions as a general rule certainly isn’t a “thing” though. I’ve never done it and this is the first time I’ve seen code that does it (I’ve been doing Elixir for around 5 years).

From what I have read of the book, though, they do extract far more than I personally care to. There are lots of small single-user private functions that don’t really read any better than the bare code in my view. I’m not implying the book is bad by any means (how could I know? …and all of Sophie’s stuff I have read and watched is amazing) and while idiomatic Elixir is certainly a thing, it’s not super obsessive and people have varying styles.

EDIT: One reason I can think of to use functions is that heex overloads @ to access assigns. So if you have

@title "Product Ratings"

def assign_thing(socket) do
  assign(socket, :title, @title)

def render(assigns) do
  <%= @title %>

That reads super confusingly because the @title in the render function is referring to :title in the socket, not the module attribute @title.

That’s total guess, though.

render_bar_chart(chart, title(), subtitle(), x_axis(), y_axis()))

IMO this would be clearer as a function that took chart and a keyword list:

render_bar_chart(chart, title: "Product Ratings", subtitle: "...", etc etc)

That avoids the confusion of “what the heck ARE all these unnamed literal positional args” while not spamming private functions.

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This is correct—it is a conceit they are using to keep the examples focused to the “lesson” at hand: learning Liveview; and to leave “room to grow” the examples with later functionality.

@mindok’s posts concerning module attributes are the idiomatic approach to this! But you can see why introducing those patterns don’t serve what is being taught: instructive writing can be weird like that sometimes.