Techempower benchmarks

Disclaimer: See many previous discussions about being wary of benchmarks and be more-so wary about benchmarks of Elixir since they’re almost never representative of real world code. Assorted other benchmarks like Which Framework is Fastest or A Tale of 3 Kings provide other view into things are good for perspective.

That said…the Round 15 preview is out. It’s based on the code that existed back in Nov, but overall things are about the same. Source code for the Elixir tests is here.

I know we had some folks talking about doing PR’s in the Round 14 thread.

It would be nice to see the results with the faster Jason JSON parser too. I saw another thread discussing HiPE and the Jason docs even mention that it outperforms Jiffy when compiled with HiPE. I’ve never touched HiPE but what I saw seemed to indicate that if all of the code wasn’t HiPE compatible that there would be high switching costs. Would it make sense to turn on HiPE here and how can we identify if there would be switching costs?

I know they aren’t representative, but at the least it’s still worth keeping things up to date since they will be looked at.