Downgrading to 1.14.5-otp-26 gives me a different error that makes me think the problem is with the Erlang brew installation. I’ll have another go at getting it installed via asdf.
kv mix compile
Compiling 1 file (.ex)
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, {{:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{:disk_log_sup, :start_link, [], [file: 'disk_log_sup.erl', line: 26]}, {:supervisor, :do_start_child_i, 3, [file: 'supervisor.erl', line: 420]}, {:supervisor, :do_start_child, 2, [file: 'supervisor.erl', line: 406]}, {:supervisor, :handle_start_child, 2, [file: 'supervisor.erl', line: 712]}, {:supervisor, :handle_call, 3, [file: 'supervisor.erl', line: 461]}, {:gen_server, :try_handle_call, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 1113]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 1142]}, {:proc_lib, :wake_up, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 251]}]}}, {:child, :undefined, :disk_log_sup, {:disk_log_sup, :start_link, []}, :permanent, false, 1000, :supervisor, [:disk_log_sup]}}}
(kernel 9.0.2) disk_log_server.erl:142: :disk_log_server.ensure_started/0
(kernel 9.0.2) disk_log_server.erl:52:
(stdlib 5.0.2) ets.erl:825: :ets.tab2file/3
(mix 1.14.5) lib/mix/compilers/application_tracer.ex:250: Mix.Compilers.ApplicationTracer.write_manifest/1
(mix 1.14.5) lib/mix/compilers/application_tracer.ex:41: Mix.Compilers.ApplicationTracer.prepare/2
(mix 1.14.5) lib/mix/compilers/elixir.ex:150: Mix.Compilers.Elixir.compile/7
(mix 1.14.5) lib/mix/state.ex:15: Mix.State.lock/2
(mix 1.14.5) lib/mix/task.ex:421: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Task.run_task/4