Welcome to the Elixir Forum!

Welcome to the Elixir Forum!

There’s no time like the present to jump into Elixir - the functional language that’s taking the programming world by storm :heart_eyes:

As well as catering to the community’s more general needs, we have a strong focus on learning, so if you’ve been curious about Elixir or are just starting out - join up - you’ll be in great company!

This forum is also driven by the community. The more you participate here, the more trust you’ll earn and the more mod-type tools you’ll unlock - our way to reward regular members and your way to help give back to the community.

That’s not all, we have lots of other features and some really cool monthly giveaways… so what are you waiting for? Take a sip of Elixir, sign up and join in the fun :purple_heart:

A little more info.

You can use Markdown to format your posts.

You can use this forum as a mailing list.

You can follow our Twitter account - which tweets a link to every thread that’s posted here.

You can progress through, and help this community via Trust Levels.