What Elixir related stuff are you doing?

Had a problem with my liveview template and couldn’t find the error immediately… then discovered “liveSocket.enableDebug()” and immediately the error was fixed… wow, am ecstatic!

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Tinkering. Making various “proof of concept” things (read: proving to myself that I can do this or that), e.g. base64 in C, C++, Kotlin, Haskell, Elixir, etc…

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I have improved ExSpeedGame by moving to using AdaFruit NeoPixel Jewel LEDs inside the buttons, controlled by the Blinkchain library by Greg Mefford:

It works perfectly and I’m so happy with the end result. :slight_smile: I still have not implemented the memory game and some help modes like setting the brightness of the buttons. As before, the code is here: Mikko Ahlroth / ex_speed_game · GitLab


How did the BigQuery service work out for you? I’m currently trying to play with the same idea of calling an API, slight data transforms, and then saving it to our Datawarehouse which is BigQuery. TY!

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Well, it’s being a while and I left that company before the big release. But we as far as I know they still use it. Maybe @mgiacomini can add more details as he stayed there a bit more than me.

will take a really long time for me to port a laravel app to phoenix as Im still learning the fundamentals

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Still using Elixir everyday at work, with Phoenix, Ecto and Commanded.
That’s a very interesting and powerful stack, loving it!

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Just finished the Elixir & OTP course from Pragmatic Studio, wich was a nice brush up for me, and now started the Phoenix LiveView course :slight_smile:


Started implementing common algorithms in Elixir. It is at a very rudimentary stage right now with less than with 10 or so algorithms implemented but I intend to regularly either learn and add, or revise and update at least 2 easy or 1 hard algorithm a week.

Here is the repository: GitHub - code-shoily/ex_algo: Data Structures and Algorithms implemented with Elixir (it’s very poorly organized right now but that shall be addressed)

Why am I doing this? I don’t know, for fun maybe.


Solving advent of code in elixir. Trying to get my OOP brain to transform into a functional brain, pun intended.

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I am working on a booking system for universities I mentioned in other threads. Every half-year thousands of students on many universities try to enrol to classes for next semester. However it’s a fight for free spots and the systems always crash under the load. Just in my small country this problem affects hundreds of thousands of students. I believe it’s something that could and should be solved with Elixir.

Right now I have fairly functional prototype. I initially thought the bottleneck would be the database writes, so I was considering a genserver to be a “write buffer” that would collect the enrollments and write them in bulk. I was also considering Redis, and maybe also Kafka. But then I actually decided to start with plain vanilla Postgres first to avoid premature optimization. thousands of writes per second shouldn’t be a problem for Postgres. So the plan is to create meaningfully structured app, then do some simulations and tests to see what’s realistic and what’s not, and based on that talk to people from universities to see if they’d be interested.

I’d like to publicly thank @dimitarvp for being a tremendous mentor along the way and giving me tons of invaluable advice!

If anyone finds the problem interesting and maybe wants to get involved in some way, message me! I can’t do this alone and sooner or later I’ll need all the help I can get.


I’m working on a full-scale commercial Elixir / Phoenix LiveView project @ work. Driving adoption internally and, right now, writing job descriptions for Elixir developers in the EU. :wink:


We made a little game based on Phoenix & A-Frame.
Theoretically it doesn’t need Phoenix that much (but by using it, development was faster).

The game is about learning simple cyber security basics.
https://cyber-x-scape.at (sorry it’s in German only)

Source code is available: GitHub - polycular/cyber-x-scape_game: cyberXscape / Cybercrime Escape Game

Stuff I am currently doing with Elixir:

  • Reading the Programming Phoenix book
  • Writing a small API with Phoenix in my company
  • Writing a coop minesweeper game with phoenix channels and a svelte frontend. To support big fields I am using a canvas and redraw only parts that need to be updated. Somehow Phoenix LiveView wouldn’t just push the changed tiles but all the tiles even when only one tile changed

Today, I have been refactoring a project to use Absinthe Dataloader.

Relearning Elixir. Haven’t used it for many months now.

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Once again checking out how to do mutation testing in Elixir… because I’m probably going to be speaking on it at Code BEAM Europe! :slight_smile: I’ve just been accepted, but need to see if my wife has any conflicting plans, before I confirm.

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Working on a product that detects bot traffic in Phoenix applications. Reading “Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir” by Gospodinov, it’s very good, heavy on example code.

Wrote an HTTP proxy for learning HTTP tunneling.

and rewrote it in Erlang in order to learn some Erlang/OTP.

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I’m working on publishing platform for longer form content. It’s inspired by Substack and Github.

Substack because you can subscribe to authors (or buy their content) and Github because content should get better over time with lots of “commits” and “releases”. There will soon be an “issues” tab for books and also the ability to fork/merge pages with edit suggestions. Looking for collaborators if anyone is interested.
