What Elixir related stuff are you doing?

Maybe your site got hugged to death? Currently giving me 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable.

I too am getting a 503 error from nginx, but am eager to see what you’ve built!

Sorry folks, I am now paying for my decision to use a Helm chart for Postgres (instead of managed service). Working to get it back up very shortly.

Service has now been restored.


Really cool app, seriously. :+1:


Looks neat. You might want to make the text larger for mobile (haven’t seen it on desktop). Accessibility people will lose their mind at that font size.

You’re right, I will bump it up a few sizes. Thank you!

For a thingie I’m thinking of, I implemented SSH signing and verifying in Elixir, using the Erlang stdlib :public_key and :ssh_file APIs. It currently only supports ed25519 keys. I made a little LiveView demo: https://twitter.com/AmNicd/status/1490056182899388418

The code is at Mikko Ahlroth / minisome · GitLab but it’s mostly Phoenix boilerplate. The meat for the signing is in ssh.ex and message.ex (of course undocumented and messy but works for the demo – and oh well, only now I notice that mix format didn’t really format those binary matches the way I would have wanted it to). The demo LiveView code is here.

This was helped by Hauleth and ericdp over on the Elixir Slack. Hauleth is working on his own SSH signing library in Erlang that also supports RSA keys and is overall a more professional affair. I will probably switch over to it when it’s packaged, but currently I can use this and go work on the other stuff.



I’m trying to write an automated CA and a downloadable client for internal use.

Really cool looking app. I’ve been toying with the idea of adding some members-only content to my own site (prompted by a stint on Ghost - the idea has stuck even after leaving), but I might use pagespace instead!

I’ve been catching up with Elixir after about 18 months using other languages, primarily Swift and C#. It’s been such a joy working with Elixir again that I think I’ll be looking for my next contract using it. The tooling improvements in the last few versions are lush and LiveView has grown into an incredible tool for UIs whilst I’ve been away.

I had forgotten how much I love GenServers as a pattern. I used the new Actors in Swift but because there’s the possibility of mutable state they don’t feel as approachable. Equally I’ve been mainly writing auth systems - or integrating with existing ones- with C# and mix phx.gen.auth is a dream by comparison!

I’m brushing off my old ideas for a file/memory-based event sourced architecture as that is still an itch I need to scratch and putting together a photoshoot review/collaboration tool for a friend who needs a better workflow around his commercial photography.

If any one happens to be looking for a part-time Elixir developer in the next few months then drop me a message! :+1:t2:


Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any feedback or questions!

cool site. Minor bug: your og:image meta is using relative URL, shall be absolute, as per OpenGraph standard.

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Thank you!

Hello, I’m developing a library to connect Elixir with Odoo ERP (Api JSON-RPC).
Now it’s functional and can login, search, create, write, etc… and working in improve doc, tests and finally publish on Hex.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Link to github repo:



Finally learning about and integrating live file uploads into my MVP app.

Thanks to the valuable examples from GitHub - mcrumm/live_upload_example: Demonstrating file uploads with Phoenix LiveView and GitHub - fly-apps/live_beats :heart:

This week I have been migrating an existing Phoenix application from Webpack to Esbuild. Also, I’m planning to move from Bootstrap to Tailwind.


This week I’m trying to finish up the Grox.io OTP course before moving onto the Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir book by Svilen Gospodinov. I decided to make this a year of more rigorous and formal study. Hoping to get through a couple more books by the summer and then turn my attention to writing some applications that will hopefully be useful in the second part of the year.

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This week I’m doing a course in Udemy to get to know more about Phoenix :wink:

Finalizing my slides for Code BEAM Europe, including several bits of code in Elixir (and a chunk of Elixir-flavored pseudocode 'cuz doing it in real Elixir, with recursion and all that, wouldn’t fit well on one slide). Think I’m just about done. Anybody here gonna be there next week?