I’m going to serialise lightweight creator apps in Elixir! My first example app is Pillars — Modern Divination
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I’m going to serialise lightweight creator apps in Elixir! My first example app is Pillars — Modern Divination
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Just saw you posted Fluxon UI on r/elixir. Very cool, pimp it here on the forum, too.
Writing a user recommendation system, it combines three different models, one which uses Nx.
My Elixir/Erlang related thing is making it possible to run Elixir code in browser compiled to WASM module. It’s more of a compiler and a small runtime than a real BEAM implementation.
With WASM-FX, which is not yet part of the standard, you can have lightweight threads and actor model implemented natively.
I’m finally back on the forum, after a couple years of giving up on ever doing anything “real” with Elixir. So to catch up:
Spoke at Code BEAM Europe again, this time on my definition of software quality and how to achieve it.
Finally put up an MVP of a SaaS to look for changes in other web pages, at https://www.wwwizzzard.com/.
As part of that, created and have just updated a Hex package called diffie – no, it’s nothing to do with key exchanges, it takes the list of differences from List.myers_difference and turns it into something more human-readable, like the output of a command-line diff tool.
Nice! I don’t know why, but Advent of Code 2017 day 3 was one of the hardest for me that year. I recently did my warm up and had trouble solving that one again.
I have now reached day 17, but day 3 was the one I struggled the most with!
I didn’t want to brute-force part1 because I was certain it wouldn’t work for part2, so I tried clever math tricks … Eventually brute-forcing was the way to go
looking to redo this [Solar Monitor] (https://paperless-lab.ngrok.io/) in Live view
I have been studying both liveview content from Sign in · Arrowsmith Labs and The Pragmatic Studio.
Making the jump from Vue.js + Ellie + UnoCSS to Liveview is not as easy as the books make it look.
The mental models are painfully different.
Would need to re-think and re-architect everything from scratch.
what would you advise to help me in this transition?
Not entirely sure what is your specific difficulty, however migrating from vue to liveview should be pretty painless. You copy the same templates/components change the templates format to accommodate phoenix and rewrite all JS logic. It might become hairy if you have UI stuff that requires JS logic to run (for example maplibre).
The main advice I would give is to avoid using hooks and client-side state if you can help it. You might be tempted to use client-side logic wherever possible, because you might think that things like latency is very important, however you will pay a huge price of development time and complexity, at some point it might become unclear if you have any real benefits from using liveview compared to a classical 2 stack web app.
this difference in development mindset is the main difficulty I’m dealing with.
all data exchange presently uses Server-sent-events and Xhr.
Ripping all that out would require a total re-write, and like you commented, i need to think from the LiveView sever-first point of view.
That change from client-first to server-first viewpoint / orientation is a big jump
I won an Elixir give away, so I’m diving into Programming Liveview which will soon be updated now that Liveview officially has a version 1 release.
Also giving ML on the side, still trying to get the hang of Axon.
Happy holidays to everyone!