I have been reading ‘Real World Event Sourcing’ by Kevin Hoffman.
Joined in on the Book club reading “Elixir Patterns”. Even as a beginner only listening in, it was a good experience.
I’m working on, a UI components library for Phoenix LiveView.
Just started reading a book on it again
i am leaning about liveview
created a monitor-tool to keep an eye on my running services. Created Alchemy4Elixir a little side experimentation project (a quiz and learning system - all questions comes in the form a unit test that you have to fill in the blank to make it pass). Just started working on a replacement for the heat/ventilation/light control system to our dog transport on the pickup - The existing one burned up for some reason =D
Working on liveview
Working on a health care system. Mainly focus is allow people who need mental health support to find a doctor to start therapy sessions.
We use Elixir, Phoenix and LiveView for the core system and integration with some 3rd party APIs.
Failing to get livebook running on Linux.
Fought a security chip and lost.
Trying to figure out what Livebook is, and which Elixir stack can be used for Line Of Business applications
For around one year ago, I’ve been working in a side hustle called Feedback Cupcake with a friend.
The idea of the project is a system to help ESL (English Second Language) and K12 teachers to write their students feedback faster and with higher quality.
I’ve just released it today as a beta, you can check it out here: Feedback Cupcake. Also, here is a quick YouTube video showcasing the product:
The code is fully written with Elixir/Phoenix/LiveView and hosted in
Started reading “Machine Learning in Elixir”. My interest in AI models is even newer than my decision to learn Elixir, but I’m finding both subjects surprisingly interesting.
Im building an API to build APIs called API2. The idea is to have a interfaced backend that allows a user to create architecture through HTTP requests.
Hey everyone!
Over the past 4 months, I’ve been working on a side project called ProxyConf. It’s a control plane for Envoyproxy designed to simplify Envoy configuration for API use cases using OpenAPI specs. One key difference from other Envoy-related control planes is that ProxyConf is built in Elixir, not Golang. After working with Elixir for this project, I can confidently say that Elixir is more than capable in this space!
However, I want to stress that ProxyConf is still very much a work in progress. It’s starting to come together, but there’s still a lot of work to be done before it’s ready for production use. Once things are more polished and the configuration API is stable, I’ll make a more formal announcement with all the details.
In the meantime, if you’re curious or have any early feedback, feel free to check it out or reach out. More updates are on the way soon!
A bit late, but here it is: BeatConnect - A Multiplayer DAW powered by Elixir
I am reviewing Phoenix components and Liveview and messing with GraphQL.
There is an orderly structure to things in Elixir/Phoenix land which is very enjoyable especially considering how Ruby/Rails is a magical mess…
Made a Livebook to organize my photos.
It moves photos from the source folder to sub-folders in this format:
- YYYY-MM-DD location
Original date and GPS information is extracted from the image EXIF metadata.
Openstreetmap is used to get the country and town name.
When no EXIF information is found, the file date is used.
Livebook link:
creating db schema for a test app