What Elixir related stuff are you doing?

reading https://runelixir.com

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I have been reading ‘Real World Event Sourcing’ by Kevin Hoffman.

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Joined in on the Book club reading “Elixir Patterns”. Even as a beginner only listening in, it was a good experience.

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I’m working on https://fluxonui.com, a UI components library for Phoenix LiveView.


Just started reading a book on it again :slight_smile:

i am leaning about liveview

created a monitor-tool to keep an eye on my running services. Created Alchemy4Elixir a little side experimentation project (a quiz and learning system - all questions comes in the form a unit test that you have to fill in the blank to make it pass). Just started working on a replacement for the heat/ventilation/light control system to our dog transport on the pickup - The existing one burned up for some reason =D

Working on liveview

Working on a health care system. Mainly focus is allow people who need mental health support to find a doctor to start therapy sessions.

We use Elixir, Phoenix and LiveView for the core system and integration with some 3rd party APIs.

Failing to get livebook running on Linux.

Fought a security chip and lost.

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Trying to figure out what Livebook is, and which Elixir stack can be used for Line Of Business applications

For around one year ago, I’ve been working in a side hustle called Feedback Cupcake with a friend.

The idea of the project is a system to help ESL (English Second Language) and K12 teachers to write their students feedback faster and with higher quality.

I’ve just released it today as a beta, you can check it out here: Feedback Cupcake. Also, here is a quick YouTube video showcasing the product: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv8FrfL0dVw

The code is fully written with Elixir/Phoenix/LiveView and hosted in fly.io.