What kind of sensors, cameras, add-ons and other hardware can you use with Nerves?

I guess it depends on your base unit, but what kind of stuff can you use with, say, a Raspberry Pi?

Here’s some I found - are they easy enough to use with Nerves?





Oh wow, from the link above…


Here are some pointers:

7" Raspberry Pi display -This is one of the easier displays to get working with Nerves. If you search for kiosk_system_rpi3, you can find Nerves/Phoenix/Chromium examples of kiosks. There are also two Elixir-native UI projects in the works: https://github.com/cdegroot/uderzo_poncho and https://elixirconf.com/2018/speakers/#boyd-multerer.

Pi Camera - See https://github.com/electricshaman/picam. This camera is way too much fun. I believe that there are a few blog posts around on using it.

LCD display - This one works through I2C, so elixir_ale can be made to work with it. There’s also an LCD library at https://github.com/cthree/ex_lcd that people use, but it looks like the LCD driver IC for this is different, so it might not work out of the box.

Elegoo 37-in-1 sensor pack - Those parts look very similar to what was used at https://www.erlang-solutions.com/blog/rebuilding-the-mission-impossible-security-system-in-elixir-on-raspberrypi.html. A similar idea, but slightly easier to use set called the GrovePi and Grove sensors. They’re a little more expensive, but you need to know less about electronics to make them work. Look at this library: https://github.com/adkron/grovepi.


As someone new to electronics, I initially hit a wall after making LEDs blink. The GrovePi Starter Kit was a big help to get past the initial barrier of learning to read data sheets and figuring out how to wire up the sensors.

I wrote a blog post about building a Home Weather Display with Nerves and GrovePi.

I also posted my All of the Lights project a few weeks ago which uses the GrovePi relay to turn a lamp on and off with Phoenix & Channels.

Both of these projects just use sensors from the starter kit and the grovepi library. The library includes a few other example projects using sensors from the starter kit (excluding the PivotPi which is sold separately).