Who are all the Vim users around here?

I’m wondering who still uses Vim for Elixir dev in these parts. VS Code appears to be the editor of choice for most or at least that is my impression!

I ask because I’m recently somewhat hellbent on fixing all the annoyances I’ve had with the existing vim integrations and wondering how far I should take it. I also just want a taste of how big the vim user-base is amongst Elixir devs and also curious how many vimmers have defected over to VS Code.

Say hi, if you will! :slight_smile:


I switched to Vim around 2 years ago and plan to stick with it. But I don’t use any language servers. I’m a fan of a light weight autocomplete that picks up what’s open in any open buffers (similar to how Sublime Text does it) combined with snippets.


Oh ya, I love reading vimrcs and it would be great if people shared theirs. I’ve read probably 100 vimrcs over the past 10 years and I’ve learned something new from every single one no matter what the skill-level of the author is.

Mine is here: GitHub - sodapopcan/dotfiles: My config files


Love vim. I’m using neovim 0.5 built-in LSP for working with ElixirLS. However, 0.5 isn’t released yet, but when it is I’ll update my blog with how to use it. In the meantime my dotfiles may be helpful.

I haven’t done this yet, but there’s a prettier plugin for EEX formatting and an idea of a persistent Node process (like an LSP) for quick formatting. Or vim-prettier to run on demand.


I was a fairly big MacVim user but kept finding myself using TextMate 2 because it’s just such a nice looking editor on macOS. I miss things like split panes in Vim tho and I am hoping to get back into Vim via Onivim and as its development progresses - it’s stunning!

(We are also giving away a lifetime licence every month over at Devtalk if anyone’s interested)


I’m using neovim from time to time, learning it. I use CoC but that is still way more responsive than vscode. I use vscode and sublime too, and I really can’t make a definitive choice, unfortunately.


I’m a long time vim/neovim user. At this point tmux and vim keybindings are so ingrained that I can barely navigate elsewhere.

I use the elixir language server, which is 95% awesome. The 5% that is painful boils down to random crashes and dialyzer weirdness.

My dotfiles are available and somewhat minimal: GitHub - sorentwo/dotfiles: Dotfiles


Another (neo)vim user here. I tried a language server last year, but it wasn’t ready enough for day-to-day use for me. It’s probably advanced enough for me to spend some more time trying it again, but I need to find that window of time to do so.

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I use Neovim. Used IntelliJ for years. With elixir-lsp and coc, I switched 100% Nvim and Tmux. Looking forward to general release Neovim 0.5 to see what can be done with built-in LSP and Treesitter. My 2021 todo-list includes learning to write a simple Elixir refactoring plugin in Lua.

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I’ve used vim since 2001 when I swapped over from emacs. Today the plugins I use, beside language syntax specific ones are vim-tmux-navigator fzf-vim and vimwiki.

fzf-vim has been the most productive one for me. Mostly because it makes it so quick to change between buffers. Learning to use buffers was the biggest productivity boast for me in the last couple of years. In an elixir (with fish shell) I just open all the files and navigate using fzf.

$ vim lib/**/*.ex lib/**/*.eex

The I have the config nmap <silent> bg :Buffers<CR> in .vimrc. Typing bg normal mode takes me to a fuzzy search for files. A simple key sequence would be:
bg page contr<CR> to open up lib/someapp_web/controller/page_controller.ex and I am in the right buffer. So quick, so responsive. The later versions also got a preview pane of the buffer you are selecting. Pretty cool.

I do the same for massive java projects as well. Just vim src/**/*.java and together witch ctags and I can just fly around in the code base. No GUI editor comes even close.

Apart from that I try to use as much vanilla vim as possible.

Lately I am writing typescript for a project and I added coc and coc-tsserver to the plugins because having type hints is nice. Unfortunately the added latency to the editor makes in not worth it. I don’t want to wait for my editor.

This is why I find VSCode and Intellij almost unusable. The latency to do things is stopping me from working properly. It doesn’t give the correct feedback and sometimes misses my key strokes. Never happens with vim. Those editors are slow and temperamental. They don’t always do what I tell them to. In general I don’t like slow things and find the modern computing environment challenging with slow web pages and software. It shouldn’t have to be that way. It should be better.


I started using vim-mode in various editors about 6 years ago and switched to neovim about 3 years ago. I use alchemist.vim for language integration and haven’t had any issues with it. I don’t think I could go back to a normal editor, but hope to switch to OniVim in the next few months. My workflow consists of a single window and anywhere between 2-8 split panes open at a time.

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I started using VIM 4 years ago for all types of coding and never looked back. It’s convenient as well as increases your productivity. My workflow starts with BYOBU (tmux) with multiple windows inside a single terminal and sometimes split panes. Since, VIM is highly customisable through plugins, it’s usecases vary from user to user, but some plugins are common across user base.

Another vim user here! I use neovim, with the elixir language server and ALE. CoC seemed like kinda a lot to just get a language server. I might switch to the builtin language server once that lands.


Hello! MacVim user here!


I don’t use vanilla Vim anymore, but I can’t live without Vim emulation inside any IDE/Editor I use.

I use Vim as my main editor. That’s the setup with which I am most productive and feel most creative, and I have no plan to change it. That said, I am not the “evangelizing” type, whatever floats one’s boat :slightly_smiling_face:

I usually switch to VSCode for remote pairing (live share is amazing, and I like that the pairing partner doesn’t need to learn my setup).

My setup is relatively minimal, on terminal Vim, but I do love ElixirLS and am super thankful to it’s maintainers!


Vim user as well and I’m with @sorentwo here, vim + tmux is just the bomb.
I’ll switch to vscode when I know I’ll be doing html though.

I am Vim user, r/vim moderator (however pretty inactive nowadays), I have written some articles about Vim (I need to write more), and I have authored few plugins as well as theme.

I have recently switched to NeoVim 0.5 with their LSP implementation, but in past I was using vim-lsp which was pretty nice (it is in article).

My Vim configuration is in Fennel (Lisp in Vim, like the ideal solution). I do not use Tmux, I use built-in terminal emulator.


Neovim user here as well. With coc as LSP.
Don’t use tmux either, built-in terminal instead.

I’ve used vscode with vim emulation and while it is good I cannot stand the window/tab management of vscode. I feel like I need to close tabs all the time.


I see a lot of tmux mentions here. What are the advantages of using noevim in tmux? I use tmux too for ohter purposes but I do not start neovim from tmux because I like to scroll with the trackpad, and my tmux prefix is C-p which is also my fzf trigger (though is works if I hit that twice).