Why do you think Elixir is awesome?

Original post mentions:

  • They recently got an internship at a ‘nice’ company
  • The company uses Elixir having transitioned from Scala
  • User asks why they should learn Elixir

Mod edit: It appears this post was copied from another site (possibly by a bot) however in cases where members of the community have the taken time and effort to answer, we leave the threads up but edit them to change the original text while still reflecting the original question/discussion :smiley:


That sounds phenomenal! Congratulations.

I’m guessing the company made a reasonable and sound decision based on their needs and constraints in choosing Elixir.

Starting a new, I think you find the syntax very approachable and pleasing. Moreover, hexdocs is a phenomenal resource for documentation and learning new things about Elixir. Resources are abundant across the interwebs whether your are building an Elixir service, a Phoenix backed web application or embedded hardware built with Nerves.

From here, I would suggest to be patient (in the best/kindest way possible) and find out for yourself as you contribute and go about your journey learning Elixir ;). You will come across many things you love and some things you may dislike. The community will always be here to help, whether it be on this forum or in the Elixir Slack channel!


I wrote some test helpers that shard stateful parts of the program I’m writing for work. Each test gets branded with a “universe id” and the stateful systems only report back the parts that exist in it’s view of the universe. My tests can run concurrently, sharing elixir data structures and services, without having the effects of one test bleed over into another. Also the universe partitioning compiles to no-ops in prod. This whole thing is about 150 lines of code.

Somewhere I read that Scala is nice and functional while you’re in scala-land, but underneath it’s stateful Java with sticks and duck tape. With Elixir everything is beautiful, and when you look underneath you find a temple built by Jedi knights, and all you have to deal with are esoteric function parameter order

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Also I recommend this video, by the creator of the WAT meme: this is informed by years of consulting and developing applications. https://youtu.be/yTkzNHF6rMs. It predates elixir but basically presages everything that Elixir became. And you’re seeing other frameworks head that way too, like React, and C#/F#.

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This probably summarises why Elixir (and the platform it runs on) is awesome:


I’m currently working with Node.js typescript and PHP project. When I found a things I don’t like working with, most of them are solved by copying from elixir/phoenix pattern.
for example I have this naming problem when writing typescript at first I have a file like this

interface IEntity {
//structure for Entity

namespace Entity {
//function workgin with IEntity

this annoy me for quite a long time.
after I learned elixir, I use the T as a type name and put it inside the same namespace as function
same as how elixir have defstruct inside it’s own module
I feels my code a lot more cleaner than before

even though I don’t have ‘a real experience’ with elixir yet, writing elixir is really fun for me

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Why to enjoy Elixir:

  • Pure functional, easy to reason about what code does, only mutability is via message passing.
  • Essentially free parallelism and concurrency both to an extreme degree, even across multiple servers.
  • Fantastic packaging and tooling ecosystems.
  • Some of the fastest I/O of any language, easily the fastest of any dynamic language.
  • GC is almost never run because of actor memory segmentation.
  • Built in the fantastic, old, and well tested Erlang/BEAM VM, used by a significant amount of the Internet routing services.

And a whole lot more.


already posted on reddit…

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Behind all the technical related stuff, Elixir’s community is one of the best I’ve had the pleasure to connect and interact with!

I agree :slightly_smiling_face:


no xml security exploits :slight_smile: