Why do you use Ecto.Multi?

I’m a beginner programmer from Japan.

I’m using phoenix for my database server. In development of the database server, I have never used Ecto.Multi just because I’m not familiar with it.
I read summary of Ecto.Multi, but I don’t get when I should adopt it well.

So what I want to ask you is, Why do you use Ecto.Multi?

This ebook would be really helpful for you (not only in Ecto.Multi):

It’s free and there is no sense to copy-paste it’s contents. I really recommend reading it.

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Thanks :smile:
Did you write the book?

Link in the thread says 404 page not found

I’ve updated the link in that post. The new correct link is


Nope, but helped a bit. By e-mail I got early releases of it and found few small issues like typos or mistake in code. :slight_smile:

Ah, right - they changed it, I heard about change to dashbit, but completely forgot about it in this topic - I have downloaded pdf on disk and not checked their pages since that. Thanks for update.


Ecto.Multi is used to execute SQL using transactions.
A transaction is the execution of multiple concurrent SQL operations with data integrity.
If you would like to know about a book written in Japanese, please contact me.


No problem! And it was the correct link when you initially posted the thread.

One concrete use case I have for Ecto.Multi is creating oban (GitHub - oban-bg/oban: 💎 Robust job processing in Elixir, backed by modern PostgreSQL and SQLite3) jobs when inserting or updating associated records.


Using transactions is important for developing database server as you have ever said!

I have to understand SQL and Database more.
Thank you for many answers! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’ve been looking for this kind of resource. Thanks a ton!