Would you find ComposableHtml library useful?

I’ve recently found myself writing many Phoenix templates and wanted to streamline my experience.

I often want to set some defaults, e.g. in Bootstrap a table usually has a class “table” <table class="table"> But then I’d like to take the default and specify that this time the table should be striped.

I can’t use Phoenix.HTML.Tag.content_tag in this case. Everything in Phoenix.HTML produces final io lists that can’t be modified later. I figured I need some middleware.

defmodule ComposableHtml.Tag do
  defstruct [:tag_name, :content, :attrs]

This way I can define a tag and extend it:

table = %Tag{tag_name: :table, content: ..., attrs: [class: "table"]}
table_striped = tag |> update_attr(:class, &"#{&1} table-striped")

I saw the same problem in the Elm community https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDyWP-0H4Zo
The talk concludes that a data structure that allows overwriting its fields is a nice API.

I’d like to turn my helpers into a lib generic enough to be a building block for other libraries like https://hexdocs.pm/ex_effective_bootstrap/0.1.17/api-reference.html

The idea is also to be able to use the ComposableHtml.Tag directly in the templates by implementing Phoenix.HTML.Safe protocol:

defmodule ComposableHtml.Tag do
  def to_phoenix_html(%Tag{} = tag) do
    if tag.content do
      PhoenixTag.content_tag(tag.tag_name, to_phoenix_html(tag.content), tag.attrs)
      PhoenixTag.tag(tag.tag_name, tag.attrs)

  def to_phoenix_html(list_of_tags) when is_list(list_of_tags) do
    Enum.map(list_of_tags, &to_phoenix_html/1)

  # We pass the data in the `content_tag`, so we don't have to escape here
  def to_phoenix_html(data), do: data

defimpl Phoenix.HTML.Safe, for: ComposableHtml.Tag do
  alias ComposableHtml.Tag

  def to_iodata(data) do
    {:safe, data} = Tag.to_phoenix_html(data)

I’ve found existing HTML builder that uses macros https://github.com/dczombera/html_builder

But it is not composable.

My questions are:

  1. Would you find such a library useful?
  2. If it is useful, are there any existing libraries for composing HTML that I missed?
  3. If I am going to create a new library, could you help me with API design?

Ad.3 The with_* approach from Brian’s talk seems compelling but it is more specific than I like. E.g. in the talk there is |> withRole Danger |> withFormat Outline and in Bootstrap they would both translate to a class <button class="btn btn-outline btn-danger">

I am not sure what would be some proper names for functions that append to an attribute (e.g. changing class="table" to class="table table-striped"), and what names to use for functions overwriting the attributes.


There’s this new library that has just been announced which seems to be doing what you want (and more than that): x_component. If there’s something that I miss from Vue/React, it’s this kind of component composability. Looks very powerful (also check the benchmarks).

Then there’s also Surface which is aimed directly at Liveview (discussion).


Thank you! Those are very useful links!

Both libraries emphasize composability which makes me think I am on a good track :slight_smile:

However, the scope of what I am thinking about is much much smaller. I don’t want to define new templating language.
Let me give a before and after example.

Let’s say I want to define a table helper for bootstrap:

In my view_helpers.ex I need this:

def bootstrap_table(content) do
  content_tag(:table, content, class: "table")

In the template, I can use <%= bootstrap_table(@content) %>

But then in some other place, I need “table-striped” so I modify the herlper

def bootstrap_table(content, opts \\ []) do
  additional_classes = Keyword.get(opts, :additional_classes, "")
  content_tag(:table, content, class: "table #{additional_classes}")

But then in yet another place I need to set border, so I modify the helper:

def bootstrap_table(content, opts \\ []) do
  additional_classes = Keyword.get(opts, :additional_classes, "")
  border = Keyword.get(opts, :border, "0")
  content_tag(:table, content, class: "table #{additional_classes}", border: border)

And before I realize, I add cellpadding, cellspacing and finally all attributes supported by table tag.

Let’s say that instead, I use ComposableHtml.Tag

def bootstrap_table(content) do
  %Tag{tag_name: :table, content: content, attrs: [class: "table"]}

The usage in the template would look the same <%= bootstrap_table(content) %> provided that %Tag{} struct implements Phoenix.HTML.Safe.

But now, if I need to add a class, I can do it differently:

def striped(table_tag) do
  ComposableHtml.add_class(table_tag, "table-striped")

def bordered(table_tag) do
  ComposableHtml.add_attribute(:border, "1")

Now in the template, I can do <%= bootstrap_table(content) |> striped() |> bordered() %>

Another nice example is what @wojtekmach wants here: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_html/issues/276

Let’s say you want to conditionally add active class based on current path:

<%= link_to("Home", "/", class: (["button"] ++ (if path == "/", do: ["active"], else: [])) %> 

If link_to returned ComposableHtml.Tag, you could write:

<%= link_to("Home", "/", class: "button") |> maybe_add_active_class(path, "/") %>

and define a helper:

def maybe_add_active_class(tag, path, active_path) do
  if path == active_path do
    ComposableHtml.add_class(tag, "active")

I’d like the library to make HTML composable in a similar way that Ecto.Query makes SQL composable :slight_smile:


It seems like a natural extension of Phoenix.HTML's template functions. It would make more sense for the composability to be an in-built feature of the framework instead of a separate library.

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I think I would start with a separate library to test how it feels and what would be a nice API. If it catches on and Crhis likes the idea, it could become part of Phoenix.HTML :slight_smile:


I started working on ex_component unaware of this thread. My idea was to be able to create standardised, reusable components and keep them consistent in different related projects. Here is an example that uses the library to generate all possible Bootstrap grid HTML.

defmodule ExBs.Layout do
  import ExComponent
  @break_points ExBs.Config.get_config(:break_points)
  @grid_size ExBs.Config.get_config(:grid_size)

  @container_variants for break_point <- @break_points ++ [:fluid],
                          into: [],
                          do: {break_point, class: break_point, prefix: true, merge: false}

  @col_grid Enum.map(@grid_size, &String.to_atom("#{&1}"))

  @col_variants for variant <- @break_points ++ @col_grid ++ [:auto],
                    into: [],
                    do: {variant, class: variant, prefix: true, merge: false, option: true}

  @col_options [order: [class: "order"]]

  defcontenttag(:container, tag: :div, class: "container", variants: @container_variants)
  defcontenttag(:row, tag: :div, class: "row")
  defcontenttag(:col, tag: :div, class: "col", variants: @col_variants, options: @col_options)

The lets you do:

Layout.container("Container!") #=> ~s(<div class="container">Container!</div>)
Layout.container(:fluid, "Container!") #=> ~s(<div class="container-fluid">Container!</div>)

Layout.row("Row!") #=> ~s(<div class="row">Row!</div>)

Layout.col("Col!") #=> ~s(<div class="col">Col!</div>)
Layout.col(:sm, "Col!") #=> ~s(<div class="col-sm">Col!</div>)
Layout.col("Col!", md: 6) #=> ~s(<div class="col col-md-6">Col!</div>)
Layout.col(:auto, "Col!", md: 6) #=> ~s(<div class="col-auto col-md-6">Col!</div>)
Layout.col(12, "Col!", md: 6) #=> ~s(<div class="col-12 col-md-6">Col!</div>)

Layout.col(6, "Col!", order: 2) #=> ~s(<div class="col-6 order-2">Col!</div>)

You can checkout out ExBs which was written on top of it as a proof of concept. The idea is to produce a lib specific to our company projects and not let the HTML layer turn into the wild west.

Curios to know your thoughts!

Just an edit, here’s what I came up with for the tables:

defmodule ExBs.Content.Tables do
  import ExComponent

  @theme_colors ExBs.Config.get_config(:theme_colors)

  @table_types ~w[dark striped bordered borderless hover sm]a

  @table_variants for variant <- @theme_colors ++ @table_types,
                      into: [],
                      do: {variant, class: variant, prefix: true, option: true}

  defcontenttag(:table, tag: :table, class: "table", variants: @table_variants)

Which gets you:

Tables.table("...") #=> ~s(<table class="table">...</table>)
Tables.table(:striped, "...") #=> ~s(<table class="table table-striped">...</table>)
Tables.table("...", striped: true) #=> ~s(<table class="table table-striped">...</table>)

For my use cases I have this simple helper:

def attr_list(attrs, joiner \\ " ") when is_list(attrs) do
  Enum.reduce(attrs, [], fn
    attr, acc when is_binary(attr) -> acc ++ [attr]
    {attr, true}, acc when is_binary(attr) -> acc ++ [attr]
    {attr, predicate}, acc when is_binary(attr) and  is_function(predicate) ->
      if predicate.(), do: acc ++ [attr], else: acc
    fun, acc when is_function(fun) -> acc ++ [fun.()]
    _, acc -> acc
  |> Enum.join(joiner)

iex> attr_list(["foo", nil, {"active", user.active}])
"foo active"

I also use it for stimulus controllers:

<article class="post", data-controller="<%= attr_list(["post", {"content-warning", post.nsfw?}]) %>">

I reuse common elements with helpers, too:

def sidebar(opts, do: content) do
  sidebar(content, opts)
def sidebar(contents, opts) do
  Keyword.merge(opts, id: "sidebar")
  content_tag(:nav, contents, opts)
<%= sidebar do %>
<% end %>

For this last case the ComposableHtml thing may be less verbose and allow for more complex composition, but so far this has served me well :slight_smile: