Your ideas for Elixir book authors and content creators

Nail on the head, now someone needs to write it :grinning:

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I’d like to see a book on bridging the Elixir <-> native divide.

Hardly anyone produces an Elixir language wrapper for their C++ lib. Forcing people to use a different language, go without, or try and brave NIFs alone. I’d love a book that would walk me through how to approach this problem. You’d probably make extra money with add-on video lectures or a support forum.

If you need a popular but complex starting point, you can use:


A book that explains category theory to the common man, with (surprise?) elixir examples / excercises and why category theory? (I am reading sporadically things about category theory and functional programming, however I would like to have that kind of book available to guide me)


Like others have said I’d love to see a book walk through building an intermediate level application. Once you’ve read a few books and understand the language constructs it’s really helpful to see how someone else uses those constructs to build a thing. Maybe the size of the “realworld” project.

Also helpful to see examples of others modeling data, making decisions on what trade offs in what scenario, different approaches to different access patterns. Even small examples of those things are helpful.

Discover meteor was a good one for this back in the day.

How about an inventory tracking system with nerves on the edge and Phoenix in the cloud? Who wants to write that with me? :slight_smile:


Love this thread. Lots of good stuff.


Building Conduit is a self-published eBook I’m part way through writing that takes you through building the RealWorld example blogging application in Elixir, Phoenix, using a CQRS/ES architecture.


I’m gonna buy that for sure.

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That could be a really neat book: Combining these components into a coherent application would provide a persuasive demonstration on Elixir’s value in creating innovative, cooperating systems.


Currently working through it - or catching up with what you’ve done so far. Aside from anything else, it helps put flesh on some otherwise abstract CQRS/ES literature.


It’s entirely free to read online. You only have to pay for the offline version (PDF, ePub, mobi).


That was our goal with the Adopting Elixir book. While it is not possible to cover all of the topics at once, we prioritized exactly the topics we felt were lacking at the time and we saw developers struggling with.


After getting more experience, I would love to read a book which geeks out on the innards of Elixir and how it leverages the existing Erlang ecosystem, the nitty-gritty about how Elixir compiles and executes, etc. The infamous classic Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation comes to mind.

Basically, a programming language history, design and implementation book of sorts, which talks about the historical context of the two languages, the motivations for creating Elixir, the differences and synergies between Elixir and Erlang, both from a technical and human (community) point of view.

I imagine how how amazing it could be if someone like @joeerl, @josevalim and @pragdave put their heads together and wrote something like that, which ties everything together :slight_smile:

Perhaps it could even include a chapter on how to create other languages which can run on the BEAM, which seems to be in vogue right now with projects like clojerl and elm-beam. Although other languages which run on the BEAM might take “market shares” from Elixir, I think it would be beneficial overall to have more people leverage and improve the shared, underlying infrastructure.

You might read the BEAM book if You want to learn more about BEAM’s internal.


Whoa! Mind blown. How have I not seen this until now? :open_mouth: Thanks!

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I would love to see Elixir books in german :smiley:

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Yeah I bought and read it the week it was released. While it did cover a lot of the things that I did need to know in the process of making a production ready application I was still left with some desires of content. Specifically I would have loved if it when more into hot upgrades rather then blue-green deployments because that is one of the things that interested me about elixir in the first place. And it seems there really is no good material for using elixir in a distributed way in production. While I totally realize that was outside the scope of the book I hope eventually a book comes along that covers some of these topics. I will say the last bit about getting adequate logging in production was extremely helpful.


You might find Designig for Scalability with Erlang/OTP to be of interest for these topics. At some point I am planning a series of blog posts to convert the samples to Elixir.


An Elixir version of designing for Scalability would be interesting.


Exactly the type of book I’ve been kicking around for a couple years for Erlang. Got as far as an outline and a writing a project that was sizable enough but still simple to use as the basis of the sections.

I was originally thinking something like “Production Erlang” but I like the Adopting Elixir title, so I hope you don’t mind me stealing it :).


Someone do a LiveView based Phoenix book (or screencasts/video course) please? :lol:

Quick, get your proposals to PragProg and Manning :003: