Checking in to see which IDEs might be particularly suited to Elixir/Phoenix development.
I’ve used IntelliJ for the past several years and really like it, especially with the AI plugin, but lately, something hasn’t been right with Intellij.
- Matching brackets and quotes no longer work reliably
- Syntax highlighting is hit or miss
- Code formatting no longer works correctly, if at all
I have had to tweak the Elixir plugins to get them to work, but it seems like there are little broken bits strewn around, disrupting workflow.
I’ve used VSCode here and there, and I like it enough, but there are some things in IntelliJ (the AI plugin) that I hate to leave.
I also use the JetBrains products for every other project in my day job, so it’s weird to switch entire IDEs for one language/framework, but maybe it’s just time.
I’d love to hear which options out there I might have missed.