Ah thank goodness no I have not. ^.^;
Should be quite doable though.
I’m currently studying elixir and Phoenix, i’m going to use it for my final school thesis.
But it is hard to find updated tutorial or free books for phoenix 1.3 at the moment. Almost all resources i found is paid books or courses which is i can’t afford or too much. Haha…
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October 9, 2017, 11:07pm
Have a look at these @saint011
by Ryan Bigg
Joy of Elixir came about because I saw that there was not very much when it comes to absolute beginner material for learning Elixir. There's the excellent Getting Started guide on elixir-lang.org and the Programming Elixir book, but those feel like they're more targeted towards experienced programmers. They teach Elixir with a lot of assumed knowledge about programming languages. They're great books, but they're only great books for experienced programmers.
Classing this as a free online book
By Sean Callan with help from the community
Lessons about the Elixir programming language, inspired by Twitter’s Scala School.
Available in Việt ngữ, 汉语, Español, Slovenčina, 日本語, Polski, Português, Русском, Bahasa Melayu, Українською, 한국어, Italiano, Deutsch, বাংলা and others.
Your feedback and participation is encouraged!
Then there’s the Elixir Guides and Phoenix Guides
On the Erlang side, there’s:
by by Fred Hebert
Erlang is the language of choice for programmers who want to write robust, concurrent applications, but its strange syntax and functional design can intimidate the uninitiated. Luckily, there’s a new weapon in the battle against Erlang-phobia: Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
Erlang maestro Fred Hébert starts slow and eases you into the basics: You’ll learn about Erlang’s unorthodox syntax, its data structures, its type system (or lack thereof!), and basic …
by Fred Hebert
This book intends to be a little guide about how to be the Erlang medic in a time of war. It is first and foremost a collection of tips and tricks to help understand where failures come from, and a dictionary of different code snippets and practices that helped developers debug production systems that were built in Erlang.
## about the Author
Fred Hebert is the author of Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!, a free online (also paid for, on paper) book designed to t…
A short and personal history of the book
I, Erik Stenman (Happi), started writing this book back in 2013. At first I was thinking of self publishing the book on my blog, but since English isn’t my native language I felt I needed help by a good editor.
I managed to get a deal with O’Reilly and started converting my outline to their build process. My original plan was for a very long and thorough book, which the editor felt would get few readers. I started cutting my content and tried to wr…
That should keep you busy for a while
October 12, 2017, 2:59pm
Elixir Workshop at Lambda Conf 2017
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January 17, 2018, 4:35pm
Just open up and editor and code :p. The hardest part of transitioning from an object oriented language was writing code that mutates to code that transforms. But Programming Elixir was the book that turned the wheel
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February 26, 2018, 4:41am
Been designing and building as many apps that rely on a solid amount of OTP as possible. Running on otp app seemed pretty important and the language gets easier really fast naturally when programming a variety of things. Sure enough it took practice and iterations to get used to design with supervision trees but feels amazing when it all clicks
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Do you think the Elixir in Action book is relevant enough at this time? Because I saw that Sasa is going over a rework of the book atm.
As mentionned by the author in a prevous post, the second edition is now available as MEAP.
Revised and updated for Elixir 1.7, Elixir in Action, Second Edition teaches you how to apply Elixir to practical problems associated with scalability, fault tolerance, and high availability. Along the way, you'll develop an appreciation for, and...
Already 6 chapters done, 7 more to come…
February 26, 2018, 3:36pm
Yep, as Koko has said the second edition is available now - even if it wasn’t I would still highly recommend it check out my review of it here
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At this point I favour EiA slightly over Programming Elixir because EiA really conveys what The Zen of Erlang (i.e. the Zen of BEAM) is all about. Programming Elixir still has its place when a slightly gentler pace is more appropriate. YMMV.
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Why learn Elixir? How do I get started? How do I learn Phoenix? What’s the Erlang VM?
This is what I’ve done to ramp up with Elixir in the past 2 weeks. I hope these resources help you too!
* [creating secret environment variables](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/deployment.html#handling-of-your-application-secrets)
_Debugging Gigalixir:_
1. run locally: `MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.server`
2. if still issue, `gigalixir logs`
## Ramp up with the WRAP Stack!
### `react-native-`[`W`](https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web)`eb` + Relay + Absinthe + PostgreSQL
#### (+ Jest)
At a bare minimum, I'd go through:
1. [Learn Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/introduction.html) (**free!**)
2. [Learn Phoenix](https://pragprog.com/book/phoenix14/programming-phoenix-1-4) (**$23**, Kindle-compatible)
3. [Learn Absinthe](https://pragprog.com/book/wwgraphql/craft-graphql-apis-in-elixir-with-absinthe) (**$18**, w/ 30% discount code in the back of any PragProg book)
4. [WRAP Stack Walkthrough](https://medium.com/@english3000.org/starting-a-new-project-with-absinthe-relay-be9a127b8f63) (**free**; how to put all of these technologies together for your first project)
5. [Learn Relay](https://www.howtographql.com/react-relay/0-introduction/) (**free**; implement with an Absinthe backend; skip to _Implementing the Login Mutations_ for Step 5, and use Ch. 8 of *Learn Absinthe* for authentication)
### _Why WRAP?_
1. **performance _(backend)_:** Absinthe is ~10x faster than NodeJS, Python, Ruby, and (probably even more for) PHP because it can use multiple cores concurrently
2. **performance _(API)_:** GraphQL (Relay + Absinthe) allows for more efficient communication between your frontend and backend than REST
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