I’ve been trying to get Phoenix to compile for a week now, and my sanity is slipping through my fingers. Any suggestions on getting this to compile? I’ve been able to run Phoenix on this machine previously a few years back.
I think that’s the natural outcome of living with Win10. If it wasn’t for superior performance of Powerpoint & Excel on Windows (which I have to use periodically) I’d give up on it for good.
I have the latest Phoenix running under Win 10. Webpack seems to be more or less behaving but I do recall having to fight with something to get it up and running - let us know what errors you are getting and it might jog my memory. Unfortunately I did my initial commit after it was running so don’t have a record of the change.
node-sass has always been a sore point. A few months ago I took the effort to rip them all off from my projects and rewrite my style sheets in PostCSS + tailwindCSS, which has more functionalities and less hassles. Couldn’t be happier.
Thanks for the hint - unfortunately I’d tried that, and to no avail.
But, no worries - I found the solution:
What happened was that I’d tried the earlier hints in this thread to replace "node-sass" with "sass", in the package.json . In doing that, I simply pasted over the "node-sass": "xx.xx.xx" line with "sass": "^1.22.10" - however, the "node-sass": "xx.xx.xx" line was (originally) written immediately after the line for sass-loader. So now, "sass": "^1.22.10" comes after it - this seemed to be the problem.
When I experimented with putting the new "sass": "^1.22.10"beforesass-loader, saved and npm installed, it seemed to work.
Does that seem to make sense (if not, maybe I’ve remembered wrongly about what I did to fix it)?
Thanks so much! Hope the info helps anyone to follow.