Which code editor or IDE do you use? (Poll) (2022 Edition)

Those using Doom Emacs (@BartOtten @sekun @slouchpie) would some of you like to create a wiki for it like we have for other editors? Eg: Spacemacs - General Discussion, Blog Posts, Wiki - it might help get more people to give it a try :003:

If so please go ahead and create the thread and we’ll make it a wiki.

I’ve made a start on Mac install instructions - please feel free to include them:

Mac install instructions

This uses the Emacs Plus homebrew formula:

Emacs Plus is GNU Emacs formulae for macOS Homebrew package manager. It offers a wide rage of extra functionality over regular Emacs package. Emacs Plus intent is to give the most of ‘plus’ stuff by default, leaving only controversial options as opt-in.

First see which icon you want to use from here then replace --with-modern-doom3-icon with it on the second line:

brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus

brew install emacs-plus --with-modern-doom3-icon

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d
~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install

If you don’t want to use Emacs Plus, replace the first two lines with brew install emacs