Which code editor or IDE do you use? (Poll) (2022 Edition)

I’ve been thinking about wslg actually and last I heard is that wslg and Sublime work well together. The biggest reason I haven’t gone down that path is because my development machine isn’t qualified for Windows 11. There are other approaches around setting up x servers and such that can also get me there… but VS Code is sufficiently workable that investing the time to figure out how to get all that other stuff working on Windows 10 hasn’t pushed me hard enough to do something about it.

Also, there’s the sense that I might be working too much against the grain to fight VS Code. Looking at discussions in forums like this and even the poll here leaves me with the impression that VS Code is a de facto standard for Elixir and, insofar as an editor platform matters, will be more likely to see improvements faster and more expansive improvements than other editing environments.


I think that MS is severing the dependence of wslg on Windows 11, and are rolling the newest wslg up into the Microsoft Store “Windows Subsystem for Linux Preview” package (installable on Windows 10). Not 100% sure about that so you’d need to check.

I understand the pragmatic argument for VS Code though. It is really quite relaxing to just depend on the huge amount of work, and constant improvements, that go into it (from Microsoft & extension developers alike). I must say I’ve had to fiddle with it less than anything I’ve ever used in the past, and that increasingly suits me. There are advantages to a huge ecosystem.


Plain Emacs


I used vim for 15+ years, then switched to Sublime/Atom + Vim Mode, and finally landed on VS Code (without any kind of vim mode) and it’s by far my favorite… :slight_smile:


Those using Doom Emacs (@BartOtten @sekun @slouchpie) would some of you like to create a wiki for it like we have for other editors? Eg: Spacemacs - General Discussion, Blog Posts, Wiki - it might help get more people to give it a try :003:

If so please go ahead and create the thread and we’ll make it a wiki.

I’ve made a start on Mac install instructions - please feel free to include them:

Mac install instructions

This uses the Emacs Plus homebrew formula:

Emacs Plus is GNU Emacs formulae for macOS Homebrew package manager. It offers a wide rage of extra functionality over regular Emacs package. Emacs Plus intent is to give the most of ‘plus’ stuff by default, leaving only controversial options as opt-in.

First see which icon you want to use from here then replace --with-modern-doom3-icon with it on the second line:

brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus

brew install emacs-plus --with-modern-doom3-icon

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d
~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install

If you don’t want to use Emacs Plus, replace the first two lines with brew install emacs

Hi @AstonJ,

I created the topic for Doom Emacs which can be found at Doom Emacs - Wiki

Tomorrow I will write the start post with tips and tricks.


Awesome - I will look forward to seeing your tips and tricks :003:

I use to use spacemacs, but it wasn’t highlighting basic syntax errors. Which started getting annoying. On writing some simple functions and trying to execute I would find that they were littered with syntax errors that the editor didn’t highlight in any meaningful way. Probably didn’t set it up correctly, maybe I should try again.

People say they like magit. I have forgotten how to use it now, but yes, this was one of my favorite features also.

Ideally I would like spacemacs to support showing dialyzer errors too - not sure if this is possible.

I use visual code, but it uses ElixirLS for highlighting which seems to very buggy. e.g.

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I feel the same, I was a heavy emacs user, moved to spacemacs and wrote some crazy stuff for it with a really messed up dev environment in one company. But when I tried to use it for elixir and it couldn’t find the line of code related to a compile error because of some terminal output issue, I was afraid I would have to do another elisp programming session and moved back to Textmate.
Like you wrote, I like to train my memory in the API usage and not depend on autocomplete as it gives me time to think about my code. In general I don’t have to write 100s of lines of code/day but I do have to think about getting my code to work correctly. :grin: But to each their own tool and way of working!


For full stack development, I find VS Code tough to beat. No matter your langauge, there’s a great set of a plug-ins.

Also, I think there’s a potential for it drastically simplifying working with external APIs. For example, Stripe has an awesome VS Code plugin that makes it very easy to test webhooks locally. I’m hoping more API services start building tools like this.

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I use Vim inside VScode. The only piece of Vim I miss from real vim is https://github.com/takac/vim-hardtime

The real benefit is that I can remote pair program with someone and on my side I can have relative line numbers and I can be creating macros or editing multiple lines in normal mode, while they don’t even have the Vim plugin installed and we both feel at home.

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Emacs on NixOS.

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: What is your display setup and configuration? (Poll) (2022 version)

helix looks nice, but I’m good with vscode and vim

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Fleet could be interesting when it arrives. A more modern UI hosting Jetbrains’ generally impressive underlying engine might be compelling.


nvim just makes me happy :>)


I wish they would give us Fleet with native Erlang + Elixir support. I :heart: Jetbrains.

Edit: I guess the LSP will give us most of what we need…


Neovim all the way :green_heart:. Have you guys seen lua-snip?

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I recently got lua-snip set up!!! So sweet!

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What colorscheme is that?