I just finished the “Learn Functional Programming with Elixir (Pragprog)” book. I have 5+ years of experience with Ruby/Rails, my goal is to become a high skilled Elixir/Phoenix developer.
What next book would you recommend for me?
Should I go straight forward to a Phoenix book or dive in a more advanced Elixir book before going into Phoenix learning?
Phoenix does not really need more knowledge than this… If You come from Ruby/Rails You will find a lot of similarities, plus socket and channels which replace actioncable.
I would wait the upcoming Programming Phoenix 1,4, which should be available soon (maybe one month?!)
But if You want to expand your application with Elixir, I would recommand You to learn OTP.
I liked Elixir in Action a lot. There is also Programming Elixir 1.6, Phoenix inside out, etc.
You might like also Erlang books… but that might come after.