Hello everyone
What an incredible year we’ve had! And what an incredible ten years Elixir has had!
In case you weren’t aware Elixir turned 10 last year, and what started as a twinkle in José’s eye has now spawned thousands of ideas and projects through us all, with each having their own ripple effect across the universe - perhaps in ways some of us might never have imagined! But more on that in a bit, first let’s give you a bit of a forum update!
Within the next two or three weeks we‘ll have served a staggering 70,000,000 pages!! We’ve also sent out a cool 7M emails and are receiving over 10,000 click-throughs every day just from our top ten traffic sources! And let’s not forget we’ve given away an amazing $100,000 worth of prizes as well!
Elixir has gone from strength to strength, and you really have been a big part of why it has. If you’re ever in doubt just look at other similarly aged and hyped languages that have fallen by the wayside - a notable difference has been you, your enthusiasm, and the buzz and excitement you’ve helped generate on places like this - something which also helps create that all important self-perpetuating loop. So even if you haven’t created a library or sent a PR, your presence and contributions no matter how small you think they may have been have played an important role. You’ve helped make the community bigger, stronger and more enticing, by creating the sort of buzz, activity and usefulness that make communities like these attractive. It’s why people have been saying things like this:
Thank you Christian - and thank you and well done each and every one of you - we know we say it every year but please don’t forget how much a part of the Elixir success story you’ve been
Of course this is just one piece of the puzzle, and we’re certainly going to cover some of the others in a moment, but let’s first share what we’ve got in store for you on the forum this year!
A new chat room!
We’re finding that sometimes it would be useful to have an ephemeral area on the forum - for those occasions where you’re just thinking out loud or need a faster paced medium to discuss certain topics, so we’ll be trialling a chat room
The great thing about an integrated chat is that we can do things like move useful discussions to forum threads, have group based (user-created) chats, and even public channels for certain topics or projects you’re working on. Need a publicly joinable channel to work on some new framework or project? Or one for users in your country or city? We got ya covered!
To begin with the chat room will kick off with:
- A general Elixir channel for Elixir/community related chat that everyone can see and take part in.
- The ability to create your own personal chat groups.
- The ability to join a public/joinable channel.
- The ability to request the creation of a public/joinable channel for your project or other topics/locales, etc.
If you’d like us to create a channel for your country/city or a project you’re working on, just let us know! See the chat room info thread for the full details - and please don’t forget to pay particular attention to the rules
Expansion of sections!
With the Elixir landscape expanding year on year we’ve added a few more sections to our Frameworks category. Namely, a Hologram Forum, an Elixir Desktop Forum and an Ash Framework Forum. We’ve also expanded the Nerves Forum to three sections (one for news, another for chat, and one for questions) and we’ll do this for any of the project forums in the frameworks category once the forum reaches at least 200 threads.
What’s the criteria for getting such a section created? These sections are usually created for frameworks or tools/platforms that can potentially serve as an inroad into Elixir. In other words a tool that people might opt to use (i.e, come to) Elixir, and this is usually a framework of some sort. While usually only add these for projects that have proven themselves, if we feel the project has the potential to be an important avenue into Elixir we can fast track them on a trial basis (but the groundwork should be complete first).
New Elixir Proposals & Suggestions sections!
As the community grows so does the variety of suggestions and feedback. Since Elixir is pretty much ‘done’ we wanted a way to separate the types of proposals that are more likely to be included, and those that may just end up being an interesting discussion.
So we now have two dedicated sections for proposals and suggestions, and the old ‘General Ecosystem Chat’ section will move there too as a general ecosystem feedback section:
- Proposals (Small/Easy)
- Proposals (Large/Difficult)
- General Ecosystem Feedback
All of these will include details about the types of proposals or ideas that should be posted in them. If you just want quick feedback on an idea please use the chat room - that’s part of the reason why we added it.
New Phoenix Proposals & Suggestions sections!
With the Phoenix user base growing by the day, we thought it’s about time we added dedicated Proposals and Feedback sections for it. However again, if you’re just thinking out loud please use the chat room.
All in all, our new additions and changes look like this:
Our Giveaways!
Our giveaways are back!
Win ANY Elixir or Erlang ebook from PragProg - TWO winners every month!!
Win ANY Elixir or Erlang ebook from Manning - TWO winners every month!!!
Win a years worth of ElixirCasts Alchemist’s Edition! - Worth $228!
For those of you who want even more chances to win, we have similar giveaways on Devtalk and the Erlang Forums too!
2023 Discounts!!
We’ve got some super discounts lined up for you again this year:
35% off any ebook published by PragProg!
Simply use our Devtalk coupon codedevtalk.com
35% off any ebook, print book or video published by Manning!
Simply use our Devtalk coupon codedevtalk.com
10% off ElixirCasts… for life!
Simply use coupon codeelixirforum
20% off ANY Pragmatic Studio course!
Simply use our Devtalk coupon codedevtalk.com
10% off AppSignal… for 12 months!
Simply use coupon codeelixirforum
Members of the Year is back!
Our MOTY scheme is one of our most loved initiatives and it’s back again this year! Some of you might remember that last year we were going to revert back to a monthly MOTM, but the end of year version went down so well that we’re now going to keep it as an annual event!
We’ll have 50 MOTYs again this year, and remember, these are awarded purely based on forum participation - so get involved!
2022 Members of the Year!
With over 20K members it’s difficult to whittle this list down to just 50 because we have so many amazing members - so please forgive us if we missed you! We’ve done our best to select based on the most active posters, those with the most accepted solutions and ‘likes’, etc.
If you’re named here thank you and well done - and please read the bit at the end as we have an ebook for you!
As a thank you, we have an ebook for each of our winners! We have 25 books from PragProg and 25 from Manning so if you are listed above, please PM @AstonJ with your first choice from one publisher and your second choice from the other, as well as your full name, country of residence and email address - we’ll then allocate these on a first come first serve basis (They don’t have to be an Elixir book either, they can be any book so long as they are published by either PragProg or Manning.)
Forum plans for 2023
With the addition of the chat room and other expansions mentioned above the forum is now set-up to serve us well for the foreseeable future. Other than adding chat channels or framework sections as detailed above it’s unlikely that we’ll be introducing any other major changes moving forward. This is because as mentioned last year we will be launching our own community platform at some point but we’ll talk more about when the time is right, for now, we want to keep the focus of this thread on…
Celebrating Ten Years of Elixir 
Hasn’t time just flown by?
Can you remember when Elixir was first announced?
In a way it seems just like yesterday, but when you take into account how much has been achieved it really does feel like it’s been around for eons. This is of course thanks to a number of factors, so let’s take a trip down memory lane and have a go at unraveling some of that.
We all know the story of Elixir begins with José, but just like Elixir has spawned so many cool things through each of us, the idea of Elixir itself was spawned via Erlang.
For those of you new to Elixir, Elixir runs on the Erlang Virtual Machine, and just like Elixir has all these cool features that have been worked on by José, the Elixir Core Team and many members of the community, Erlang too has decades of the same - the Erlang folk just happen to have been focusing on general architecture and the sort of stuff that goes on under the hood, you know, all that good stuff which gives Elixir its raw power While Ruby blessed Elixir with some of her beauty and warmth that’s pretty much where the similarities with her end, because under the hood Elixir is very much Erlang’s baby.
So that covers Elixir’s heritage. Elixir certainly stands on the shoulders of giants - but Elixir’s own story is no less impressive, and it all starts from that little twinkle in José’s eye all those years ago.
When he saw Erlang he said he loved everything he saw, but missed the absence of everything he didn’t - and so Elixir was born with a vision, which he and the rest of the core team (and everyone else involved) have been evolving and working fastidiously on ever since. While it’s definitely been a community effort, you can’t help but admire and appreciate the people who have gone above and beyond in making Elixir what it is. Take José for example. It’s clear that Elixir has become his life’s work - he didn’t just create Elixir, but eats sleeps and breathes it - being on the core teams of Phoenix, Plug, Ecto, Nx, Livebook and more! He’s also a regular conference speaker, guest on podcasts and even one of our biggest posters on the forum. No part of Elixir has been untouched and no matter which aspect of Elixir you are interested in, José is almost always involved or never far away. Congratulations on your baby’s 10th birthday and thank you for everything José! We all came together because of you and we hope you’re just as happy with us as the Elixir community as we are of you as its creator
José’s not alone of course, where would we be without the almost 20-strong Erlang Core Team who work on so many of the hard problems on the virtual machine, or Hex and Ecto which were both created by Eric, or Phoenix and LiveView which Chris works so tirelessly on, and then you have the rest of the Elixir Core Team like Fernando and Andrea (who himself is on the core team of Plug, Broadway, StreamData, Redix and more!) and that’s just current core team members and official or semi official tools - we also have all the community driven tools and projects too! It would be near impossible to name them all or everyone else who has helped Elixir get where it is today, whether they are book authors and publishers, conference organisers and speakers, bloggers, podcasters, library and framework authors, screencasters, teachers, forum posters and moderators… in fact the list is so long that this is where we’d like you to come in!!
We’d love for you to join us in celebrating ten years of Elixir by sharing your own personal story, perhaps taking a moment to mention anyone who’s made an impact on you or your journey
Maybe you could tell us who or what drew you in and who welcomed you when you got here? Which libraries, tools or Elixir/Erlang-centric methodologies or ideas got you hooked? Maybe you’d just like to give a shout out to someone who’s work you’ve been admiring from afar or perhaps you’d like to share your excitement about the future of Elixir (Nx, anyone!?) Whatever it is, whatever brought you to Elixir and whatever keeps you here - please let us know - we’d love to hear!
To help kick off the celebrations and to thank the Elixir Core Team for everything they do, we’re sending each of them a bottle of elixir (bubbly! ) We’re also including Robert and Chris because Phoenix has been the biggest inroad into Elixir for almost as long as Elixir has been around itself, and where would Elixir be without Erlang, of which Robert is a father - he’s also helped validate Elixir as a serious contender by being an active part of the community since pretty much the beginning. And for the rest of you, and we know there’s a HUGE number of you who are worthy of recognition and reward, well, watch this space, because if everything goes to plan we’ll hopefully have something to reward you for all of your hard work, love and support over the years too!
Ok we better wrap this up as otherwise it’ll be another ten years by the time you reach the end of it! Please always remember how important you are and please don’t forget to share your Elixstory.
We hope you all have a wonderful 2023 as well as another amazing decade - may it be 1000X bigger, better and even more groundbreaking for us all